MMR/ Star rank changes. Please explain?

With a tier 1 deck, it’s possible to have 100% winrate against bots

Been there, done that.

If I can do it, in theory, everyone should be able to, so if you’re not able to, it’s entirely your fault and noone else’s (all else being equal, which obviously isn’t true)

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It’s pretty easy with nearly every marginally effective deck to have 80%+ win rate against them if you understand what they do and don’t do.

The bot decks in low ranks are just zoo decks trying to out tempo you and burn your face. Any combination of a small taunt, basic removal, and tempo beats them. Many of them literally break if you play a small taunt on one end of your board, trying to hit face or trade into more threatening minions hidden behind the small taunt.

They are bad in almost every case.