MMR/ Star rank changes. Please explain?

I mean, yes… but if you did that, you had the 11 star bonus, and were doing that the whole time anyway because you have a star bonus the whole way to legend.

This is more impactful to the folks that end at like… 10-2k legend and don’t get the 11 star bonus that got to D5 and then ended up fighting people that could just be terrible low MMR players that happened to be at D5 as the game stopped looking at our MMR once we got there.

Celestion weighed in on reddit on this topic.

I don’t have a link to his comments, but basically they did this specifically to combat bots and don’t think it will impact regular players. He basically doesn’t think there’s any skill difference in players at the same rank so the MMR won’t matter.

I think that’s nuts. I think they’re horribly wrong.

The player base hard disagrees, suggesting the change with make the D5-1 grind impossible for many players in the 9-10 star group by doubling the amount of games needed to grind when matched by MMR.


The things I would say…

Really I just think if you get legend in a month you should have always gotten the 11 star bonus.

This does make things a bit harder for those trying to push through D5-1 without a star bonus or win streak though. I myself am now in the category of playing against people waaaay better than d5-1 used to be because of it.

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I never found the technical aspect of reaching legend the hard part. For me, it’s always been whether I can stay interested in the game long enough in a month to spend the time to get there. But my personal philosophy is that the journey is everything and the destination hardly matters, so I really don’t care where I end up as long as I’m having fun along the way.

I’m surprised people really care about reaching legend or not, it’s basically a superfluous detail at this point. At some point in the past reaching legend was a legitimate accomplishment, but we are so past that now.

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Here is the link to the thread if anyone wants to follow along.

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I stopped caring what that creature has to say a long time ago.

You keep saying things like this but are still here, which makes it pretty hard to believe you actually feel this way.

If you’re that done with the game then by all means, just be done.

Well, I’m exclusively in Casual from now on, thanks to the genius decision making of the design team.

You spelled “my own petulant and irrational refusal to adapt” wrong.

And you care way too much about what I think.
Go fail with someone else at attempting to insult.
You are as bad at that as you are at debate.

I honestly do not care what you think in the slightest, but I don’t like you spamming your trash takes on the board where all you do is complain, whine, cry, and tell everyone to get off your lawn.

When feedback feels like an attack, you need to grow up.

Your dislike for the game is rooted in your attitude and your stubborn refusal to play the game any differently.

You keep believing this if it helps you sleep at night. It’s wrong, but that has never stopped you before.

Keep saying it. One day it might be true.


Checks out.

Yeah. Not going to bother anymore. I’ll just play exclusively in Casual.
Classes don’t matter anymore, and neither does anything else but the designers personal prejudices.
“Designers”… What a laugh.

Excuse me, but are you me? Are you everyone? Have you been elected to represent all hearthstone players’ view on what is difficult? or are you merely spitting out you personal opinion as if its 100% factual?

I suffer the exact same thing and usually die before I can even play 2 cards in turn where neither are the coin. They also seemingly have endless supplies of removals. and endless card draw. Its absurd the difficulty i face when trying to get the cardbacks. most months i cant.

Thank you for stating an obvious issue. Kinda hard to always draw my low cost cards at the start.

You should premise that statement with something like, “I can only speak for myself and not to everyone’s journey to climb the ladder ranks, but…”

if you dont your sentence reads like a bit arrogant, and like the other guy, speaking for everyone as if your opinion is 100% true fact for everyone’s attempt to do so.

just how its coming off, i understand it wasnt your intent. at least i hope so. im not a mind reader. lol

Yet it seems you take every chance you get to try and invalidate every single take i have on almost everything. case in point the difficulty of the bots. while they may be no issue for you, in no way makes them not OP for me. My lack of skill or deck comp or whatever not exceeding the difficulty the bots are at isnt something that doesnt exist or doesnt happen. Yet you seem to be giddy to invalidate any and all of my experiences.

Im tired of your targeted campaign of needing to make me feel terrible as a player which is 100% unnecessary. Im not asking for people to lie and say im otherwise… but you go out of your way to make sure you absolutely couldnt have made your point be any more hurtful and any less helpful.

So if I got it right since the change we don’t care about D5-Leg meta anymore and the best deck for a class would be the deck that performs well in legend (if we speak of legend players).

I mean if secret or Reno hunter works better in legend and token falls off there’s no more need to swap the deck to token exclusively for D5-> and secret/Reno could be used all the way since day 1 of the new season? Deck are called just for example.

On the other hand if some class is much weaker in legend it may be harder to climb now (I’m looking at you, paladin). :slight_smile:

What’s the point in having ranks now though?

Doesnt really matter much, its just buzzwords to add to their patch notes for padding I suppose.
I say it doesnt matter, as the system internally, works however Blizz designs it, and they are not open about how that functions, unfortunately. They can tell us all they want about the results of our game, but unless they tell us in detail the inner workings of the systems leading to matching games, it wont mean much.

In that situation, the losses will quickly lower the player’s MMR, matching them against weaker and weaker opponents until they start winning again.

I consider myself an average player. Maybe a little above average. I consistently reach the Diamond ranks, usually somewhere between D4 and D2. But under the old matching system, I am almost exclusively matched against other D4-D2 players, who are often more skilled than I. But under the new system, I am matched by MMR, so as I lose to those players, my MMR drops along with my rank. The difference is that my rank can only drop down to D5, but my MMR can continue to drop. I will soon start facing players with whom I am more competitive and will start winning (and climbing) again. I think this is a much improved system for average players like me.


It is factual.

The bots are not op. They aren’t even good at the game. You’re not going to find a single person here who will tell you that bots farm real players who have a clue about the game.

Then you’re clearly playing wrong. Because a reasonable deck doesn’t even blink at bots, farming them easily.

This is a function of your deck construction, and if bots are your issue, then you also have bigger problems.

If they are so op, why don’t you just copy their deck? They are all core cards so you would for sure have them.

False. I typically scroll past your posts.

Except for the parts where I offered help and you ignored it to focus on complaining more.

I got news for you, you don’t need my help to spread that word.

There is no targeted campaign, though.

When you want to stop losing to bots, there are ways and you should just ask for people to give you help. If you want to make excuses and stay stuck hoping enough people concede for you to get a card back, that’s your choice.