MMR matches are [not really] broken

This is 100% not true.

This system is highly flawed and punishes you for playing well before you rank up.

If you already have 10 or 11 stars you won’t really notice anything different.

If you didn’t already have them, you’re looking at hundreds more games to get to ranks.

It’s simple math - there was no effort to force 50% win rate when you were out of bonus stars, but now the better you play the harder the MMR pushes you down.

Oh, well, pack up everyone. Time to leave and move on because Altair can’t see it from his house so it doesn’t exist.

You realize it’s actually designed to go down slower than it goes up, right? That it can only drop so much at each monthly reset to avoid people tanking on purpose?

It may come around… but after months of games and no rank rewards because like the op says you’re in MMR hell, grinding low ranks like they were all D5-1.

This change is just another reason to uninstall and walk away from this trash company.