Missing Undeads while playing as Lich King in Battlegrounds!

can someone explain me that how is it possible to not put Undead minions in the pool while playing as Lich King Hero in the Battlegrounds ???!
so the buddy is pretty useless while there is no Undeads in the pool!

something like to not putting Quilboars in the pool while you can pick BlackThrone in the selecting Hero phase…

That’s not true. The hero power and the buddy are connected with Reborn mechanics.

Since the buddy is a Beast and this tribe also has the reborn keyword the Lichking is also strong if you play him together with Beasts.

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Are you unaware that you can use the hero power on ANY minion, not just undead?

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When we choose a hero, we know what minions there will be in the taverns.

Some heroes or companions of an absent type can be very strong on other minions.

In any case, companions will soon be replaced by magic trinkets.

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That hero is infinitely better to be used on a beats build. The buddy for that particular hero is terrible in ANY lobby. You just sell it for money when you can get it for free. There was probably a better hero pick regardless for that lobby and you missed it.

Pure undead are only really good in very specific lobbies and even then they aren’t that strong. Most often players just grab KT and a Nightbane to give their DS minions a huge perma attack buff.