Missing Returning Player quest?

Hello, I’ve confirmed with a GM that I qualify for the free deck offer for returning players. However, I do not see this quest at all on log in even when I follow his troubleshooting steps.

My ticket was US72942405. Can someone on the dev side fix this problem?

I actually got the quest - completed it; then completed the second quest listed in their article; restarted HS and still don’t have the option to choose a new deck.

Not sure what the issue is. I’m starting to regret re-installing HS.

Yeah man, I feel like we’re just falling through the cracks. Why make it so complicated? Just give everyone a deck jesus

Double check all of the criteria in this blue post, people seem to start getting them again:

How do I ‘complete the new player ranks, (rank 50-26)’ when the rank system has changed?

It should be the same way, the rank numbers are 40-1 now for new players. Alternatively you can also choose to skip it by opening the Options > Misc > Skip

I already read that and I do qualify for this. The GM said so. I still don’t have this quest.

So I’m currently silver 4 which I believe to be past rank 25, I started playing in the 22nd and before that hadn’t played for like 5 years. I haven’t received any starting player quests or returning player quests. Is there something else I have to do to be eligible