from hearthstone year changes , so from core rotation changes or introduction, cards can show at 4x instead of 2x , duplicating the dust wrongly.
This was never visually fixed becouse even if client dont know what to do , server knows what to do … so the fix was serverside.
When the bug first appeared it was confirmed by players that mass-disenchant was showing a value but manually searching for this cards to try to manual disenchant was impossible , so the dust was from nowhere becouse there was no extra cards avaiable to disenchant in collection.
edit: example
mass disenchant say 2 legendary , he can found only 1 … screenshoots still work.
edit: i found another
edit3: another one
one of the replies
Yeah, I had a similar bug. It showed that I had 800 dust worth of extra dust, which was 400 dust more than I actually had (for some reason it thought I had 2 extra legendaries when I only had one).
edit4: another from this forum , is so hard to search old topics here.