Mirage Graphical Error on Mobile

I play exclusively on Mobile. Lately I have been playing paladin. Unfortunately, every match where I get a “mirage” card ends up with a graphical error.

Mirage sits in the hand without issue, but as soon as you use it to play a selected minion, it creates a second bugged overlay of “mirage” on the bottom right of the screen that prevents playing anything under it.

Playing any card to the left of Mirage will work just fine while the mirage overlay is active, but the hero power or anything to the right is unusable unless the game is restarted. It also stops you from doing things like dragging a trade card.

As stated above, restarting the game does remove the bug, but this is not practical. I recently had a game where I played mirage every turn so I was restarting my game every turn. This resulted in me missing some things due to the turn time limit.


mirage error here on mobile


Same here, on PC and mobile. Restarting HS doesn’t fix it, and it can make it hard to select the mirage card on mobile.

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Seeing this on the latest version of iOS.

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I’ve also experienced this, annoyingly obscured my heroes health during an arena run.

Waste of money

I have a screenshot, experienced on mobile/android

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I am also experiencing this bug. Makes paladin unplayable

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Experiencing the same. Not only is it bugged on mirage, if you mirage a card such as Flint that generates other cards, those cards generated will also have the bug. It’s horrible.

Playing on desktop.

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I just got this bug today. Lost 2 games to it before I realized what was going on. Makes reno paladin practically unplayable on mobile

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Having this issue on my iPad, before and after updating the iOS.

Why is there no fix, this is a critical error that makes it impossible to play

Hoping to see a fix soon. This is a major issue for paly players