Minions reordering themselves in battlegrounds and duos

Does anyone have any idea why my minions would rearrange themselves? Is this a new thing that I am missing in the patch notes? I have lost multiple games recently because the minion order will change on its own. Sometimes at the start of combat. Sometimes during combat. Sometimes multiple times. It isn’t every round but it is pretty often.


I too have encountered this pretty often myself. At least once or twice a game. Very frustrating.

i only seen it happenw hen re order my minions just before the rope ends

This does seem to happen every once and a while but I can’t offer any insights as to why. It can be annoying especially when you have taken to time to optimize your formation for your current opponent.

This is still happening FYI. Funny, though, this time it actually helped my board. I thought maybe the game was trying to tell me “not like that stupid”.