Mini sets to buy as a f2p player

In your opinion what mini set should you buy with gold. Just returned but severely behind on cards. So which mini set has the most value in your opinion.

That depends on the classes and decks you like to play. If a deck contains several cards from a specific mini set then get it.

the newest one, there’s guarenteed to be at least one or two instant nerf cards to get dust with

All of em, 2k gold per mini set is easy to farm up

Very dumb for a f2p player, to get the the oldest 3. They rotate in early 2025.

For the mini set, look at the 4 legendary and 2 epic cards, if those are cards that are necessary for the deck you want to play, then yes, purchasing the mini set is a good idea.

Commons and rares can easily be crafed, don’t make mini set decisions based on those cards.

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That’s not very crucial in the long term for f2p collections, because it’s good to fill their collection with undiscovered so the standard packs that are plenty don’t discover miniset stuff.

The only problem in this case is that 3 minisets will rotate soon-ish; I would probably not buy them now as a new f2p; it’s a bit subjective but it’s clearer in case you never play Wild.

PIP mini set will be announced shortly(within a week or so) and drop next month sometime I believe. Usually best get newest so Whizbang is the current newest mini set so if you got 4k gold those will be your targets for long term play

However if you like Yogg(titan miniset) or singleton decks (brann is in badlands- warrior class last checked in at tier 3or4) and then there is magatha in festivals(If you like “no spell” decks is a good draw 5 card)