Mini-set Rogue Cards…

New rogue cards are in

Rare · Spell · TITANS · Discover a Mech from another class.

Oh look mech support. Rogues need that right?

Common · Minion · TITANS · Battlecry: If you control another Mech, deal 4 damage.

I guess this is a Hearthstone card

Common · Spell · TITANS · Deal 3 damage. Combo: Get a 1/1 Chaotic Tendril.

Ok, I guess :man_shrugging:

As a rogue fan and main-ish: please, do not print a mech for rogue ever again. This is the most unfun, un-roguish archetype ever designed and I wish it had never happened. Make miracle great again!


God I miss Miracle Rogue.

Rogue is top tier one deck across all ranks all the way to top 1000 legend but nothing here looks too offensive. I guess the 1 cost card fits the deck but I don’t know enough about the deck to know if it has space to replace anything with this.

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The sparkbots were quite a blessing for miracle honestly. A batch of useful 1 mana creatures to spam on a location turn is pretty good.

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But what about Prep, Coin, Concede Rogue?

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If only it actually worked tho. I tried to build a decent mech miracle list and it’s just not it. The amount of mech support you need to add with Mimiron and the sparkbots completely eats up on all the actually good miracle cards and in the end the times you win is just from the mechs, so why not go full mechs in the first place.

Mimiron is a great concept for a rogue legendary. It should have just been something else other than this mech snowballing travesty we ended up with. Also just give the mechs to pala like dood they did rogue dirty.

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When I see someone complain about Blizzard giving them the only Tier 1 deck in existence in the current meta from Legend up. I know we have a good player here.

Gives no fs how strong the class is, just cares about good and fun decks.

First thread I’ve respected on these forums for a while.


I so agree with him as well, i main rogue and absolutely hate mech rogue and the stuff they gave rogue thus expansion. Will probably use the 1 mana card in thief rogue, but thats about it


I remember you Mog from before I took a break here. Hope you’re doing well mate. Sorry about your class!

Was really hoping for some Pirate Rogue support that might have made Hooktusk playable, but I guess we’re full speed ahead Mech Rogue and scamming out wins by playing minions opponents can’t even hope to interact with.

So fun.


Blizzard be experimenting on their characters making abominations.

I’m not one to complain about decks at all that I get beat by but Mech Rogue just seems incredibly strong but in the most boring of ways.

The deck is slow and boring, yet it can stick a stealth minion on the board buffed so high that you can’t avoid a windfury death the next turn.

Rogue was historically a bit of a high roll class, especially old school miracle, I loved that about the class. Boring, consistent, slow winning seems more like a Paladin deck to me.

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Doing okay, mainly playing battlegrounds now and days with a kittle standard mixed in.

Though i am settling for d5 now and days the last few months. Mainly due to how scammy standard is and i just dont care to hit legend anymore

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It’s not necessarily slow, it can scam right away. The problem is the tempo ramps up too fast. It goes from 1 to 10 in the blink of an eye. As a Control Priest player with removals, silence, removals, silence, removals, removals, removals, heal, removals for days…Mech Rogue STILL scares the absolute hell out of me because it goes so hard so fast and if you give them 1 turn where you can’t answer the board, you’re dead. You can’t leave a single mech up because that 1/1 mech can quickly turn into 20 damage to your face.

I honestly don’t know how other decks deal with it. I feel like I’m constantly on my heels against Mech Rogue and I have removal and silence galore.

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I’ve had a good win rate against it with Control Warrior.

I actually didn’t see ANY mech rogues when I tried out Control Priest for 20ish games but apparently, Priest is meant to have a good win rate against it. It’s literally one of the only decks in the meta that priest has a positive win rate against.

It was Druid that terrified me as priest. I’ve had top top mulligans Vs them and still not had enough removal to deal with the mega treants 3 turns in a row.

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Yup, the Druid treant deck is an issue. You have to get your clean the scene to full power and you absolutely cannot allow more than 3 minions remain on board. They draw faster than you so you have to really look for the removals and save them sparingly.

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I enjoyed my time as Priest but the games are so so slow. Even if you’re stomping someone, outside of a concede you don’t have many ways to end the game quickly. There isn’t really a win condition outside of grinding every deck down or killing them with their own cards or minions.

I feel like it needs a game ender card.

Give me Lyra and some burn again and I’ll cry from happiness.

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This is exactly what I’m hoping for in the mini-set. Priest desperately needs a finisher or some sort of goal. It doesn’t even need to be super powerful or extremely good, just something decent that can end the game so it doesn’t have to drag on forever.


Bring back Lyra and burn, that’s all I want. It was high roll and not everyone loves that but it was so fun.

Priest was nerfed for a similar problem.

It’s not a fun game to feel like you have to clear everything every turn or you die.

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but the mech isnt cheap or magnetic
what do you think theyll remove to run it ?

i havent checked the other classes mechs but i cant figure out why are you so worried about it