Mind Blowing OTK!

Except it is.

Nothing you say will change that.

Pro gaming is and will be a joke. A huge, hilarious, joke.

Also, I don’t have anything more to say to you on this topic.


Other people think that about any of the major sports you can think of, yet nearly half the planet watched the World Cup.

Since when are you the official arbiter of What Is Cool Enough?

No one said anything about video games being a sport. Someone said it’s stupid to watch other people play games. Sports fans watch people play games.

People watch professional gamblers play poker on television too.

People watch trivia games too, Jeopardy has been on the air for 39 seasons.

i was wondering where this came from. i played against someone that was using this deck. nothing they were doing made any sense, strategy-wise, to me until they played cloning gallery :thinking:

Nah, he is spamming.

I would have no issue with him advertising his channel IF he actually discussed his vids afterwards.
He doesnt do that though, all he does is drop links daily then run away fro 24 hrs. Thats not “discussion” its spam.

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