I thought players were exaggerating about this deck.
I cannot believe it isn’t tier S.
I would almost bet that it is in Wild.
It has ramp, It has mill. It has taunt, It has draw, It has removal.
I could go on, but I’m getting tired of typing here.
Team 5 should be ashamed.
Druid has been pampered for a really long time in this game, and this deck just takes that ongoing ethos to the extreme.
I’ve been thoroughly unimpressed every time I’ve seen it.
The previous ramp druid was far stronger:
Yes they would, because they alow the huntard and full freeze decks, everything that those two is welcomed
It is no good in standard alas. Still, it is fun. I hope it becomes viable.
Dew Process is actually a good card right now, but it’s bug.
So whether or not it remains good after the fix is still arguable, we shall wait and see.
I hope fixing the bug helps push the deck forward. I don don’t expect much difference though.
What is the bug? morecharactersbecausestupid
Currently if you play a Hero card after Dew Process has been played, the additional draw effect will be doubled for you.
So, if you were drawing 3 cards before you played your hero card, now you will be drawing 5 per turn.
The bug is supposed to be fixed sometime this week before the Masters Tour this coming weekend.
The first time I saw it, it absolutely rolled me. I’ve played it enough now to see that when it whiffs, it is bad, and it is awful against any sort of aggro.
At least if jailer decks ever become meta tyrants, there’s an obvious counter.
dont remember druid ever EVER being weak. They give that class literally everything it needs. Its not supposed to have damage spells or board clear, so instead they just give it spells like scales of onyxia that do the same thing but better because it loads 8000000 damgae into your denathrius (which you can combo with brann because you are druid)
It´s no good in the current meta tho. I have been really trying to win with a homebrew ramp mill druid that looks and feels really strong, but it ultimately loses most of the times. I wish I could make it work tho, cause it´s really fun (although probably not so fun to play against). Also, regardless of the mill strategy you build, it will almost always get rekt by aggro.
I would agree its not as strong as older druid decks.
Also I find it somewhat fun to play against, due to the nature of the sped up card draw.
So its a lot more fun than usual.
Also it has more weaknesses, and many decks can be made a bit lighter to kill em. Because that is the weak point of the new druid deck. Being killed.
So I am not complaining about it.
So you guys know I play in Wild. This deck is scary in wild.
I don’t have a decklist, but everyone who likes Druid should be trying It…
How does mill druid beat aggro decks in wild?

dont remember druid ever EVER being weak. They give that class literally everything it needs.
Hold your horses, yesterday Hunter was supposed to be the always-and-forever doted lovechild of the dev team - by at least 90% of the forum, and now it’s Druid?
So sad…

How does mill druid beat aggro
I suppose Mallen doesn’t do aggro.
I play Secret Mage.
Secret is fairly aggro, but its draw dependent.
Draw badly and mill druid will burn you.
Its a powerful deck. Anyone who likes druid should be trying it.

Hold your horses, yesterday Hunter was supposed to be the always-and-forever doted lovechild of the dev team -
Last time someone looked, I think paladin, hunter and maybe one other class were outliers in terms of consistency of win rate, over time.
Hunter has never been bad in the time I’ve been playing (Kotft). Druid has been plenty of times.

Hunter has never been bad in the time I’ve been playing
I don’t remember Hunter being bad ever. maybe once way back in the beginning.
I have messed around with Dew a little bit and have to say it’s pretty interesting. It causes players to make many misplays in an effort to not burn cards.
I usually just start going face hard once that card is played.