Auto-concede meta

Why would your matchup spread with one deck make the meta polarized? This just shows your bad & good matchups. Nothing to do with the meta.

I also feel like it’s polarizing when I face Warrior as Mage but this has nothing to do with the meta as a whole.

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Ever since I got back to the game and started using the tracker, I’ve never seen anything close to this. Bad matchups are normally 40-60, not 20-80 or 15-85 xD

It probably has more to do with this being the first expansion in a rotation, but it touches the meta, too

As I said, if people use trackers and see their stats against, for example, warlock being 20-80, they have no reason to play the game, knowing they can win 2 games for the time it takes them to lose this one.

There is absolutely no way this is only specific to my deck. I have no proof that it isn’t, but I have an intuition about it

One example is OTK shaman, which just counters certain decks (but is also less consistent, so it might go unnoticed) - it has certainly caused its’ fair share of auto-concedes by tilted players.

With enough quantity of games I think I would have a 30% and lower win rate against Warriors. Now with even a larger quantity of games that big websites have it’ll probably show closer to 40% plus. Pretty sure it’s always like this and it’s just a bad matchup in your case.

If OTK Shaman also gets the boot the meta for me will be anything but polarizing.

It’s getting hit, they’re removing lightning bolt from Thrall’s Gift, which is not huge, but could buy you 1-2 turns on average, while still not deleting the deck completely.

I have enough of a sample for this to know it’s not something which will converge. If anything, it will DIVERGE even more, because my good matchups are getting nerfed xD

The only thing which can happen is those two classes see less play, so I get less auto-wins, that’s all.

I guess we should all be cheering for that, then.

Do you have a source on the incoming nerfs?

If DH is not being hit, specifically the weapon or demon or both, while other things are, they are sleeping at the wheel. We are heading straight for demon stone if this is the case. And boy, that deck is all about fishing discovers and feels like sweaty asss to play against.

We got the pictures, and this post lists them textually:

DH is not getting hit. And I’m not even sure yet that it should be. We’ll see how much overpowered it becomes when Pally gets nerfed

The thing is, if DH-s have 80% winrate against me, that’s another deck which is polarized, so this is not specific to my deck only.

Basically, the game is hit-or-miss, and extremely matchup dependant (not that it’s neccessarily bad, but I repeat for the 3rd time, expect a lot of auto-concedes on the ladder if this doesn’t change with the patch, and it shouldn’t).

DH is one of, if not the best deck in the meta. Not touching it is asking for trouble. The natural counter to Dh is odyn warrior, my guess is that will be nuked. So that leaves the worse and more annoying Brann warrior, which is extremely polarized as it loses 90 percent of the time vs DK.

Just another proof that the meta is extremely polarized.

And again, I’m not trying to trash-talk, I’m curious to hear if this is something that happens at the beginning of every new rotation, or is it specific to our current situation

I’m lowkey having fun. My winrate has never been better, and I absolutely hated the rock-paper-scissor meta full of RNG mages and Rogues discovering whatever they need at the right moment

50-50 matchups left me feeling MORE powerless than a 20-80% matchups do now xD

I very much doubt that the meta is 80-20 polarized on average. I don’t think your estimates in the opening post are representative of the meta in a general sense.

It is also much easier to adapt to for a variety of classes than Pala ever will be. So I am not that concerned.

Handbuff and pala needed urgent nerfs for the format to open up to new experimentation, and hunter did need a tap to make sure it doesn’t take over. Then nature shaman is just a deck that simply should not exist in its current form, regardless of wr. Other than that, the meta is still too fresh to make a lot of changes.

Doesn’t have to be 80-20. It can be 30-70, but it’s definitely not 40-60 as it used to be last 3 months. Maybe mine are more polarized because I tend to play more aggro decks.

What do your stats say? do you have a large enough sample to chime in?

Not really, except to say that it used to be 57-43 not 60-40 and that the forum community has a strong tendency to exaggerate polarization.

For counter-matchups? All my examples are in counter matchups.

I got solid 50-50 against pallies

Makes me think my issue could be because I’m playing an old deck, and they haven’t tried to balance around it.

Which is exactly why I made the thread to find out what are other people’s experiences and stats.

I would still very much appreciate those, even more than matchup stats from trackers like hsreplay, donkeytop or even VS, as those are aggregate data which include…less skilled players.

For everything, averaged by popularity, D4-1.

I just can’t rely on you anymore, can I xD

Well literally no one can give you good stats on polarization at T1KL or even T10KL. The matchup winrate data is just too scarce to get reliable numbers. (It is generally assumed that any sample size below 100 is unreliable.)

Overall Legend is calculable, but after including dumpster Legend meme deck matchups I think D4-1 might be better anyways.

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I’d still like to know if this is specific to my deck or not, if anyone is willing to share their experiences and stats.

in the meanwhile, I’m going back to farm some warriors.

Well I don’t think I can get any reliable matchup winrate data from They are very open about how their winrate stats are fully tracker-sided — this means that when a player with the Firestone deck tracker is playing Paladin and their opponent is playing Warrior, the result of the game is counted for Paladin stats but is not counted for Warrior stats. So their winrate data is okay for ranking decks relative to each other but you need to adjust because a 51% winrate on d0nkey is going to be below 50% winrate on Vicious Syndicate (and IRL). VS, btw, does their calculations with both sides, so much better data overall, but they only put out reports on Thursdays where there hasn’t been a patch for at least 6 days. So I guess a week and a day and maybe I’ll have some spreadsheet time.

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It’s definitely good but.not the best in the game. Is far weaker then paladin.

Tempo DH in my experience is a hit or miss. I have barely positive win rate with it in ranks I don’t belong to (lower than usual), but I’m yet to play them in higher ranks

Reno DH is objectively a solid deck which got a lot of traction yesterday and now it’s spammed everywhere. Paladin is around 50-50 for that deck, if not even in favor of Reno DH slightly, and the incoming Pally nerfs will definitely make the deck even better.

Yes, we might be terrorized by DH again. I don’t mind it.

I only hated the Naga DH because I never had any counterplay against it. Now, even with 20% win rate against both DH-s combined, I have a feeling like I was close to winning, but not quite there.

it leaves me feeling LESS powerless than some of the balanced matchups.

Just my experience.

It will probably change when every deck I see is DH, though xD