Mercenaries Revamp: Adding Inclusivity

Nobody streams Mercenaries because it’s boring.

Oh, I didn’t mean to imply that they’re streaming Mercenaries. :rofl: I mean as large figures in this Hearthstone community, that they’d at least have fervently voiced their concerns regarding the mode. I’m not shocked they haven’t, really. I believe, at this point, most players have given up completely on the mode and so it isn’t quite relevant in the context of your normal Hearthstone streamer.

In all honesty I don’t see a point to fixing Mercenaries. Even if it somehow wasn’t predatory pay to win, it’d still be boring.


A lot of people think of graphics as neither here nor there in games. However, if the mode were visually enhanced, that would be very nice – instead of staring at an almost empty board. One reason players love Hearthstone (Standard/Wild) are the awesome animations. Mercenaries is supremely lacking interesting visuals.

I believe this mode was so very interesting when announced. The implementation was horrendous. The myriad of problems with the mode… I’m leaning to it never significantly changing, and is destined to die a lonely death.

" It is beyond saving, and must die." :wink:

Admittedly, my biggest beefs with the mode, for me, is rooted in its cash-grab nature. The false promises. The pack system. And, I despise P2W video games. Oh, and how to forget… the coin fiasco.

Also, admittedly, I found enjoyment in the mode for a little less than a week. By that time, I became greatly disillusioned, and couldn’t bring myself to play a mode like that.

Perhaps, some of the inspiration for this topic has been that I did have a little fun. That ended rather quickly. It saddens me. I believe this could have been a mode that triumphed. It was poorly implemented, its systems are out-of-whack, and whatever else you have against the mode.

I’m doing this one speech to text because I’m just not feeling very good I don’t think mercenaries was ever fun I think there was a promise of fun like a hint that there might be fun coming in the future with the mechanics that were laid out for you but was that promise ever delivered upon? no it was not

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Sorry to hear you’re under the weather. I hope everything works out, buddy.

Oh it’s my own fault after they do surgery near your stomach it decreases the capacity of what you can try to eat and simply put I ate too much

Have you undergone gastric sleeve surgery, by chance? I met a women who had it done, and she struggled so very hard to eat and keep stuff down.

still less ridicolous than diablo Immortal :joy:

There is a big reason to believe that: they said their solution is to add more abilities so you can use excess coins!
But what about the new excess coins players will have in one year? Release even more abilities?

There is a very trivial solution: convert them into a generic coin (of the same rarity) with a 1:2 ratio (or whatever ratio, probably 1:4 as in normal HS)

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I’m confused how such a game can thrive when it was ridiculed on release. As many players lose interest, quit, and don’t look back, it results in an ecosystem of whales. I can’t see that being very fun for them. I fear for the mode’s longevity.

Was it panned world wide in every language? How is the game recieved in China? I have no answer for this, but I would be shocked if the entire world percieves these types of games the way you and I do.

There has been a complication in the Chinese market. I forgot the details, but DI is unplayable there right now.

Blizzard is working overtime trying to solve this issue. Although already a success in profits here, that is pocket change compared to the money to be made on China.

This was literally addressed in the last patch notes

Later this year, we’ll be adding a system that will let you exchange some of your excess coins for random coins for a Merc you own but haven’t yet Maxed. We’re also still working on the end-game content that was hinted to in the Year of the Hydra announcement, including a way to use excess coins to add power and personalized traits to your Maxed Mercs, all of which we still expect a bit further down the line.

It has taken us a little longer than we’d hoped to implement these systems, but we wanted to let you know we have a clear plan on our goals for these projects, we are actively working on them, and they are coming. We consider this to be our highest priority in Mercenaries development; we just need some more time to make sure it’s done correctly.

Oh, golden DK’Dan, my first and easily most used golden legendary. Not like I can’t just re-craft him, the bet is mostly lost dust value because that seems more fitting than the $5 PayPal I had in mind at first :joy:

Ahhh, that’ll be a disappointment if that’s all they have planned; I don’t remember that post, but I’ve missed the last few months lol

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I know what was said. I’m only skeptical because we’ve been being told this for quite some time. I wholeheartedly hope I am entirely mistaken. Forgive me for being cynical. I’ve lost trust in the team, if I am being honest.