Mercenaries opening pack duplicate

I’m not entirely sure I understand the duplicate rule of opening packs.
I’m missing 5 legendary.
3 old gods, 2 from the current content.
but when I opened a pack I got an existing merc (legendary) / duplicate.
why not one of the missing 5?
best regards

So first of all thanks for the answer. Even if it is not so nice that you are accused of not having done something. I read a lot before writing this but didn’t get a clear answer for my case.

i’m here because i don’t quite understand something and i’m praying for help not to be hit on.

Thanks for the link, it says:

“You will not receive more than one copy of a Legendary card, until you have owned all the Legendary cards in that card expansion. Similarly, you will not receive more than two copies of any Common, Rare, or Epic card until you have owned two copies of all cards of that rarity in that card expansion.”

But this doesn’t apply to me. I don’t own all of the cards in the expansion.

I got Tyrael as a card twice (no portrait). I didn’t get any coins as a replacement.

I’m missing 2 cards from the current expansion and 3 from the previous ones.

Then why do I get a Tyrael card, if I already own him.

I’ve not accused you of anything — I gave you a link with an answer to similar question (you know how old it gets answering the same thing over and over again?) with a lot of further references.

On the other hand, you might have not read it very carefully after all. :grinning: I think it’s been clearly stated:

See? Again I’ve got to repeat the same thing, which just might eventually make one a bit grumpy about that — and, of course, everyone asking such questions instead of reading is so special that they get offended easily. :grinning:

If reading is difficult, you can watch OG’s video, which I also referenced — it’s got illustrated examples.

Again, this has been discussed many times (and referenced in the post I linked):

thank you again for the explanation and understanding, even if it’s always the duplicate question. it’s still hard for me to comprehend, but I accept it :slight_smile:

Always glad to help!

Incidentally, have you got a screenshot of the pack in question? I could take a look at it, if you want, and tell you if something looks amiss.

PS I would recommend that you take your time and go through the references provided — maybe you could start with OG’s videos linked earlier (especially since a lot of the forum discussions might not be relevant directly to you), they are quite informative and provide some specifics about Vanndar (him and Tyrael tend to raise the most questions).

Unfortunately I didn’t take a screenshot.
it was:
3xCoins (35-45)
1x Portrait Maestra
1x Card Tyrael
With the knowledge and the videos of you, I think the duplicate check worked with the portrait and not with the card. Pretty annoying when you open so many many packs and then don’t get rewarded.

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Yes, it would appear as if Maestra would be in the duplicate-protected slot.

As for Tyrael’s card — see separate topics about him. Does that explanation (getting a free portrait from the shop instead of a base card due to a bug) apply to you?

Yes, it’s a known issue and has been for some time, unfortunately.

I can’t say if that applies to me. I mean no, I didn’t get an extra portrait.

Who said anything about an ‘extra’ portrait?

That’s what I was talking about.