When Long’xin casts the Celestial Breath the game crash everytime and need to restart. Graphic and fps minimum. Fix please.
Can confirm. Its completely bugged. Some similar abilities are just as bugged
Yup, I’ve seen a spike in people playing Long’xin builds “coincidentally” now that Celestial Breath is crashing the game. What a surprise that people want to abuse a bug.
I have the same problem!
confirm. doesn’t matter Long’xin is from your or opponent side. Impossible to play, game disconnects every Celestial Breath and after login - looks like you surrended . Continue at least for 2 weeks. Fix this Blizzard!
Came here to say it as well. A couple of days ago it was just freezing game doing a fast disconnect and reconnect basicaly skipping the animation but now it freezes the game in each use.
Adding another reply in hopes that Blizzard sees this and fixes it. The bug even happens offline. It’s impossible to play Longxin atm and it also makes it hard to complete his missions solo too (yes there are still people enjoying this solo too).
Fix it ASAP please!
can confirm. Also on regular game hero who uses his hero power (with the same particle effect) would crash the game for me and make me reconnect
Confirmed, my Long’xin breaks the game every time he attacks
Adding to the chorus: Long’xin’s ability: Celestial Breath causes game disconnects or crashes EVERY TIME it is used.
This has been going on for over a week now. Please help, Blue!
I used Long’xin today, 26th November 2023, having just crafted him, and it crashed my game when I used this ability.
Thanks blizz for creating this nice bug. Now we need no worry about beating opponent, all it is who plays Long’Xin first, and it’s autowin.
BTW, Dec 5 still not fixed.
Oh, and in solo game it 50/50 reconnect or stuck.