So i open a pack and got Legendary Card back with Vanndar. Im thinking dont i already have that?..yep i do…so had a good look to see if im going crazy and no new lvl 1 have been added, except for Nzoth i just got earlier.
So i relog and come back to see i have another portrait for Vanndar.
I dont have all the Mercenaries cards.
Pretty sure this shouldn’t happen.
If you can fix it, can u turn what should have been a Legendary card into Mailfurion 
I got this surprise Vanndar too lately.
In my case I also noticed, it was showing as a card icon (not portrait icon) when opening that pack.
I hope some Vanndar-deck bugs are related to this and now they will go away.
in a past event they give golden vanndar portait as a reward.
It’s a rare case where you can have a golden portait before the base card , and they make it playable without owning it ( or it becomes a dead portait until finding base card) .
So play by portait owning make base mercenarie card still aviable in packs
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Yep exactly the same as you.
I was like yay finally a legend card…very disappointing it turned into a portrait.
I guess with all the bugs atm it wont be a high priority fix.
Cece, if that’s the case, it makes sense.
And I have a strong feeling of such conception to be buggy.
But i guess we should have been able to craft it, if we owned only a portrait.
Was it craftable after the event? I did not have a clue.
i checked it now , becouse i still have only the golden portait , and no is not craftable even with crafting mode enabled ( but i dont have coins so i dont know if is disabled becouse of this but i dont think) .
It make sense that the priority is to use coins on upgrades instead of craft , but yeah if someone have excess coins , crafting base merc ( like you can do before getting a portait) will be a good idea for not finding it in packs.
BTW, Looking now at Yogg-Saron (which event hasn’t started yet), it reads “NOT CRAFTABLE. obtained in special event.”
So, I think Vanndar never was craftable. And other event mercs too.
it’s not the same , now they are blocking it on purpose to be a event reward , after event for people not doing event they release it in normal ways.
This time they did it right , first they reward the base mercenary on task3 and later they reward portaits … so is not a portait before base hero situation like Vanndar.
Vandarr was craftable with coins before event
is possible that some people hit by this bug
Here is possible that who get the Yogg golden portait but is not going to do the event task 3 , can end in portait only mode and in the future will find Yogg base portait in packs.
I can confirm this behaviour in the same situation, i.e. only the free golden portrait from the quest owned.