Merc quest bug : "Visitor : XXX"


The “Visitor: XXX” random daily quests are completely buggy.

Example :

Quest Name: “Visitor: Sinestra”
Description: Complete the Majordomo Executus (Normal) bounty in Blackrock Mountain. The party includes: King Krush

What the text says is pretty clear: I defeated EXECUTUS on NORMAL with KING KRUSH in my party.
Result: No reward at all!

Also, the quest title doesn’t match the description at all. “Visitor: Sinestra” but I’m supposed to go with King Krush… What the hell is that!?

Do you really think we’re going to keep playing this buggy mode if you don’t put any effort into it? We waste time completing boring bounties for NOTHING! And you want us to pay for the bundles…please pay yourself real designers first

The visitor (here Sinestra) must also be in the team.

Yes I figured it out by testing different things, thank you.

Btw, this is not what the description of the quest says.

So this is a bug.

Reading skills WOULD BE USEFUL!

Hello @SparkyElf
I didn’t see you already made a post on this subject, sorry dude :wink:

Have fun.