Mecha'thun fun and very interactive

I love beating someone with Mecha’thun and then they come here to whine on these forums . LOL.


if that is what makes you happy (y)? lol.

Just 2 weeks and Mecha’thun is history.

And then…

Mecha’thun Druid is wild only.
Mecha’thun Warlock is wild only.
Mecha’thun Priest is wild only.

So far we have seen there is no new card that will support those types of decks.

Complaining about Mecha’thun in Wild? Wild is already a horrible place with Big Priest, OTK Mage, Mill Rogue, Aggro Hunter, Jade Druid. Nothing is fair in Wild.

So basically looking at newly added cards we have… Mecha’thun is nothing more than a (very) late game final win-condition for Control Warrior.

This thread goes nicely with the one complaining they haven’t introduced a late game win con card in the new expansion yet

According to your definition I’m not sure if a ‘Real deck’ even exists >.>

Also in Wild any class can try and counter Mecha’thun. I kind of funny that of the 5 decks you mentioned one is fairly rare (OTK Mage) and only 1 is hard to interact with to ruin their plan (Big Priest). The other three ./shrug although Mech Hunter can nut draw something fierce at times.

There is always hope Shakou :sunglasses:
Of course I will quit playing now I have seen what it is :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah they do - real decks dont require BS gimmicks and other abuses to “win”. They require some semblance of a brain. In other words, NOT OTK garbage. Thats all.

What if they simply nerfed Mecha’thun to say “cannot be destroyed the turn it is played”? This would atleast allow a turn to react.

That would make the card next to useless. While I understand that some people would love nothing better than making Mecha’thun the new Millhouse Manastorm, that’s not a very good approach to game balance.

Not to mention, the idea that you need to see a card before you can “react” to it is not really how the game works. It’s not like Mecha’thun decks somehow spring Mecha’thun out of nowhere. Once you’ve seen them once or twice, you pretty much know how to spot them.

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I’m not suggesting you need to see the card to know it is coming. The change would decrease the ability to use it for a otk. If you have to wait a turn, you are now subject to silence/polymorph etc (which is what I meant by reacting to it). I don’t think it would be useless either, just substantially harder to pull off. A card that can give a win regardless of armor, health, stealth, etc, should be very difficult to use.

but he IS very difficult to use.

the only thing that’s needed to restrict OTKs is restricting board clears and survivability tools.

decks that could OTK you existed since vanilla. They weren’t that prominent because it was a nightmare to reach t15 without dying if the majority of your deck wasn’t built exactly for that.

Nowadays, the control tools are so efficient that you can safely reach yourOTK condition, even against aggro sometimes.