
Perfect! Finally, I have crushed the morale of my archnemesis, another random, anonymus person on the internet! My pride is radiant, and my day glorious!


Paladin gets less hate because it plays fair.

It gives you a turn to contemplate what you did wrong before killing you with several 2 mana 5/5s and 8/8s and whatever.


Because this…

…is simply not true. Paladins were good for not even the last 1 year, and while they had weeks of being no 1 here or there, it wasn’t enough to make them as undisputed no 1.

Paladin in the overall history of HS is more often doing well than not, but that still doesn’t mean they’re OP. They’re usually good, but not OP.

Paladin is like your neighbor who seems to have the perfect life: good looking, healthy, have friends and family who truly care for them, capable both at home and on the job, and his job is a good job with a good boss, etc.

But he isn’t the corrupt CEO or sleazy politician or born to rich parents or secretly drug dealer called Heisenberg who got to where they are via unsavory methods. He’s a good guy, probably a pretty lucky guy, but not “OP”


Paladin is a pure cancer.

Damn pesky math facts and logic allways going against what goes in peoples minds , Paladin sucks i tell you all those numbers saying it was n1 in 2 freaking years are fake news for sure…

Class Top Decks Tier 1 Decks Tier 2 Decks
DH 10 24 28
Druid 2 11 16
Hunter 5 33 39
Mage 0 3 29
Paladin 15 44 20
Priest 0 0 10
Rogue 4 20 29
Shaman 2 7 14
Warlock 1 8 7
Warrior 2 20 39

Paladin isn’t a solitaire deck.

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If you would read my whole post you’d realize I actually acknowledged that paladins have had it good, and I never said paladin sucked. I’m not sure where you pulled that strawman from.

Nice edit save right there lol, even you couldnt stand by all that bs but i read the whole thing before you deleted it…

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It’s almost as if Paladin is entirely designed around minion combat, and has almost no damage from hand without a board already set up. Which is what Hearthstone does best and also means even when it’s high/top tier, it will still always have serious, easily exploitable weaknesses.

Can we say the same about any spell based class? Or even classes like Hunter and Shaman?


So your stance is that Paladin has had it good, but never too good? Always T2 never T1?

Because the stats disagree. And it’s kind of hard to argue that Paladin has both had it’s fair time in the spotlight but also hasn’t been that good for the last two years.

True. Control Priest, assuming it doesn’t get destroyed entirely, due to solitaire decks, would probably counter current Paladin decks pretty darn well.
Issue is that the meta is so polarized and skewed in playrate, that playing dedicated control is a total waste of time.


This is spot on.

My hope is that Rogue and Warlock get nerfed to let more Control and Aggro into the meta. Paladin would be a much better class to anchor the meta around than a bunch of Combo decks.

It’s not BS, it was a result of me misreading.


Does not follow from above.

No, the stats do agree with me. The stat of “who gets nerfed”

Last year, despite having more top decks, it was DH who got multiple rounds of nerfs, whereas paladin was nerfed… once? With Alura?

If we count by nerfs received, then paladins last year was much more tame than DH and a few other classes (rogue? Shaman? Mage?)

See, the saying is there are lies, damn lies, and statistics. You can choose which numbers to focus on and chose how to interpret those numbers to tell whatever story you want.

Ok. Stop arguing. Both of you. Let’s focus on constructive ideas.

Calculating what the best decks are through what get’s nerfed is incredibly disingenuous. The dev team is not infallible, and often make the wrong choices when nerfing cards, caring more about what whiners say than actual stats.

Paladin should have been nerfed a lot more before, especially during Libram Pally’s reign, but they declined to do so.

What “Reign” did Libram Paladin have before FITB again? It was arguably a T1 deck in SA, but never ever dominating. In fact it was a very rare pick once you got to Diamond due to how easily it was countered. In Darkmoon, it was a Niche pick as well for the same reasons.
It never really took over the Meta until Forged, and guess what it got nerfed into t4.

But it did indeed take over the meta in Forged. So much so that it took multiple balance patches to take it down, especially after they accidentally buffed First Day of School.

Anyway, we’ve gotten a little off topic. I’m not advocating for more Paladin nerfs atm and would be fine seeing take the top spot if it allows for more Control in the next patch.

I just have an issue with this “woe is us Paladin players” mentality over the last 1.5 years which simply isn’t true. If a class has to be T1 for months in order to be considered good most of the time, then no class has technically ever been good.

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Going from zero mana to 1 mana will never be a buff.
What the last nerf did to it was kill the card dead, which killed Paladin for the rest of FITB because with no early game, Paladin is useless. Especially against the stuff Hunter is allowed to do.

Speaking of Hunter, why is that class allowed to be T1 for entire expansions (as in, multiple in a row) with no complaints anyways

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It’s no more disingenuous than counting how often classes show up on tier lists without asking whether they’re there because they were OP, or simply good. People just assume what they feel like.

What is a right or “wrong” choice is not something stats can show. That’s personal (your) judgement. And you are not infallible either.

Just from top of my head…

Tick lock wasn’t nerfed despite many whines
Priest (res particularly) also doesn’t get many nerfs despite all the hate towards them
Mysterious challenger and Anyfin from way way back were not nerfed despite pallies being the top back then and almost everyone whining about them (pallies were known to have “the best curve every turn”)
And of course, paladins in the last year also had their share of whines. This “omg pallies good for last 2 years” didn’t spring out of nowhere. It’s kinda what led to that thread where Aeg went and did the counting.

And DH shouldn’t have been nerfed at all, if we go by the same numbers Aeg produced and that you and Orion and some others stick to.

But I doubt most would consider the DH nerfs last year were “wrong” or that the complaints were merely “whining”

Hunter gets a pass because there must always be one class that even a braindead person can play to legend.