Maybe start banning bots


  • about 103,000 in January through July, or about 14,700 per month;
  • 66,945 in August and September, 33,472 per month;
  • and 114,237 from October to December 20th. Assuming they took the rest of the year off, 28,559 38,079 per month.

There’s no reference in your source to how many “phases” there are between updates. Maybe there are multiple banning phases per update. But I’d say “about 30,000 36,000 bans per month, since August” is a much more accurate description than “100,000 to 200,000 per phase.” It feels to me like you were exaggerating a bit, because it’s hard to guess that a “phase” is half a year 3-5 months.

Also Gnome is half-fibbing when they say banning efforts have been ramping up throughout the year. Bans per month dropped slightly after the August/September high point. But August/September was a sharp escalation from earlier in the year.

Still, that is over a thousand bots per day (since August 1st). One bot banned every 73 seconds, 24/7, on average.

Edit: see fuglarg below

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