Matchmaking, the new system

I’m not legend rank, I have never been legend rank. I’m currently platinum 2, my highest is Diamond 4? But I usually go back down to 5. In the old ranking system the highest I got was 8 or 9. Yet in the current matchmaking I’m facing people in Legend? What the hell is this new matchmaking? It says it’s sorted by skill yet Im facing people in ranks Ive never reached.

I am playing them all month long even though I only had six bonus stars to start the month.

It’s a ridiculously unfair change to keep rewards tied to ranking if it isn’t related to matching. The stars should just be straight MMR and that’s it.

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Yeah, it’s a garbage system. the only reason I found out is because I added a friend after a really good match with a warrior, which is a rarity honestly. And there it was, me diamond and he was Legend.


At minimum I’d love for them to put in win streaks for D5-1 with this change so we can at least get the pack more easily.

I’m still hitting legend each month, but I don’t play a ton, so it’s been on the last few days and then it starts over.

Or make 11 stars just for reaching legend at all.

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This would be a fair compromise, I agree. There’s no reason to gatekeep it like they used to if ranking isn’t part of the matching process.