Matching questions I can't answer is why I have doubts


There you go. Does not resemble the HSR data at all.

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The distribution seems normal to me. But, I leave it to the others(Wild Players) to analyze it. They would be able to provide a better view than me.

My confusion comes from HSR not matching what I face.
HSR shows the top 4 classes in Wild are lock, shaman, mage, and pally.
Instead of facing mainly those classes, I am seeing pretty much all priest and rogue at diamond. (38%)
It’s like this every month. What is claimed to be top tier is not what I get matched against most of the time.

I not sure how to access the WILD HSR data. Mind if you post that too?

Just an fyi, you may want to crop and reupload: you’ve got your desktop/taskbar in that screenshot.

This is the HSR site. But how to access the correct WILD data?

The undercover Blizzard employees who are here to squash unrest say you’re wrong.

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There is a difference between the best performing deck and the most popular deck.
When you say “top tier” do you mean top tier in winrate or in popularity.
(asking this because usually “top tier” refers to the best performing deck).

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These are the Winrates that i quoted.


It is reasonable to think I would see a more balanced representation than what I am seeing @ Diamond 4.
Instead, what I see every month seems designed to gatekeep, unless you are good enough to overcome your less favorable matches.
If that is true? then that isn’t random.
38% of my matches come against decks that seem likely to beat me,
even though those classes are not the most powerful decks in the current meta.
Still; I am open to explanations from those who have more data and knowledge.

Is there another category based on playrate? (On HSR)

If there is, it is premium and I don’t have access to it.

Playrate would be more relevant in the above case.

While we can assume high winrate is purportionate to playrate, but there are cases where poor winrates can be popular too.

Or just let this post rest awhile and see if other (with more knowledge or premium access) can feedback on the topic.

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Well; I only did this because players with misgivings are constantly accused of making claims without evidence.
Seeing this I think it is easy to understand why players might question the matching.

just as an aside? I switched decks and immediately the ratios changed.

I find the floors at diamond 5 (including diamond 4) don’t ever give a good picture of the meta because a lot of people are content to live there.

You mainly run into what people find fun there instead of what performs best.

even if that’s true, why would the majority of my matches be against unfavorable decks? I can see why many players have a problem believing the matching is what Team 5 claims.

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Your distribution is similar to mine earlier this month when I hit legend. I even posted what I was mainly seeing - Priest and Rogue.

There’s absolutely nothing abnormal about what you’re seeing. I can post my stats as well to show you.

And I counter priest and rogue and was playing shaman.


This is exactly what happens yet people will deny it with their last breath. I swear I don’t know if its because these people are stockholders or Blizzard employees. Anyone can test this theory with an off meta deck and watch what happens. I think people who deny the matchmaking is suspect are people who just cant admit they dont have as much control over their wins and losses as they think they do. I think admitting crappy matchmaking would be too much of an ego hit for alot of people. “Oh no I am not as good as I tell everyone I am”.

So let’s break down your data and what you think you’re seeing. I think this is good to show you why you think what you think and why you are just interpreting that the matchmaking is somehow against you.

In your SS, you’re showing lots of Rogue and Priest over how many days? I’m guessing a month?

Ok. Look at mine:

If match making was truly rigged to keep you at 50%…it’s doing a HORRIBLE job for both of us - we’re WAY above 50%. Look at your win rate against Rogue - 64%. yet it’s your # 1 matchup.

I actually do really well vs Priest and Rogue…and you can see I played against Rogue/Priest/Shaman tons. If it was trying to keep me at 50% win rate it would be matching me against Mill Druid over and over…yet I don’t see Druid often in matchmaking at all. Weird, huh?

What you’re doing is clearly looking at the data and thinking

Instead of thinking “Why are the majority of my matches be against…the classes most people have been playing in wild the most?”. You want the data to match your opinion on the subject instead of just looking at the data for what it is.

Warlock JUST started seeing a spike in play just a week ago. So if you played another 200 games, you’d likely end up having your Warlock opponents start evening out to about 20% of your matches. Your chart is already pushing into the 10-20% warlock matches. I bet that goes up with your next 200 plays.

And, I’ve stated in another thread before, I’m convinced there are a lot of Rogue opponents because a lot of Rogue opponents are clearly bots.

There’s simply no way to imply that the data you are seeing is the matchmaking is somehow against you when the matchmaking I’m seeing matches your data and it’s obviously not against me. Doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. We both saw lots of Priests and Rogues. I saw a bunch of Shaman in D2-D1 because the 2 decks it has are extremely good and that’s where they linger a lot as they get closer to Legend.


I have felt similar to what you are explaining before. It does happen.

I really can’t see why blizzard would do it though. They really have nothing to gain for malicious matchmaking and a lot to lose. I don’t really see it being a big sales driver myself as frustrating people might drive up pack sales, but it will more likely push people away from the game.

Now i am no big time programmer, but i am an automation engineer so do a fair share of it and i will say that there is absolutely no way to program something to be truly random. Machines only know off and on and after that they can only do what people tell them to do. We have no way of knowing how they do the random thing in their software, it might not even be theirs and they could be using third party functions to do the random part.

They are probably wishing they could do better at the random part and try to get rid of experiences like you explained. But then if they try to bias things so you don’t get a bunch of similar matchups that is going further away from random.

My post got a little long, but i would like to add that for as many times as i have a bad run where i run into counters everywhere, i also have good runs where i destroy everything with ease.