Massive Balance Changes

Zerg Location is losing the rush ability, gaining 1 durability.

Mage’s Protess minion is going to say " Deal X damage to all enemies, if all die, fire again."

Zilliax is being rotated to Wild.

Kerrigain Hero Card is going to 2 damage aoe down from 3. Hero Power starts at 0 instead of 1.

The Terran mini bot that gives 3 random bonuses effects is going down to 1.

Mages gain 6 armor card is going down to 4 armor.

Druids seek the Horizon ramp spell is no longer giving an empty mana crystal, it will now heal 3 and increase your max mana by 3 still.

Dungar is getting nerfed to summoning 1 minion from your hand and another from your deck from different expansions.

Hunters tracking Legendary is going to 4 mana 3/3 instead of a 3 mana 3/4.

Always a Bigger Jormungar now gives me a minion +1 attack and Deathrattle summon a 4/4 Jormungar.

Shudderblock is going up to 8 mana from 6.

Viper no longer gives your Zergs reborn, but Deathrattle deal 1 damage to a random enemy when they die.

This balance patch is made up, hope you weren’t getting excited over nothing :stuck_out_tongue: now go buy that 60 dollar skin on some more accounts!

Hearthstone will be upgraded to Hearthrock… :sunglasses:

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Reaver! What do you think of the expansion?

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i knew they were fake just because the changes made sense.
nothing the hs balancing team could come up with ever makes sense.

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Just nerf the cards that I randomnly got as golden.

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