I imply on the worst MMRs of a constructed format, I doubt your opponents are that much better than casual.
Yes sometimes they pull some netdeck for wild and wipe you on turn 4 but that’s rare.
I imply on the worst MMRs of a constructed format, I doubt your opponents are that much better than casual.
Yes sometimes they pull some netdeck for wild and wipe you on turn 4 but that’s rare.
In standard ranked, I usually dont get to 7 mana crystals to even be able to play Marin should I be even lucky enough to have drawn it already. However in casual just now, I was able to play my Brann, then my Marin the following turn with one of the treasure played, the following turn I was able to play another 2 treasures and then I finished the match out. Pretty sure I was facing a player bot as the name was nonsense like an auto generated password for a router might be, and it played some of the worst combination of cards and had the same methodical highlights of their hero power and my hero power every time they ended their turn. But I have yet to be able to even play Marin or even draw him yet in ranked at all today. (Currently at Bronze 7) But Casual let me pull off 3 in the same match no sweat.
I just assumed it cast any spell you played, but attempts to cast at an enemy. Seems like it would suck if didn’t work that way and only did enemy spells.
EDIT: Yes, just tested. Only recasts a spell you target at an enemy. Well that’s a bummer.
this is the worst quest ever
I mentioned Wild because I normally play Standard. I have wild to mess around with achievements and quests. My MMR is bad there so half of my opponents are literally “casual mode” doing the same thing I do (I’ve even noticed DOUBLE GORGONZORMU there).
Same for me. Did it in wild. This really isn’t a difficult quest to do.
No it can’t because it just copies a battlecry that targets an enemy. That’s why this card sucks.
Im not seeing the downside to it repeating a target at enemy battlecry? I mean would you prefer it repeated a battlecry that should target your board but instead buffed theirs because its vague and could allow it? Or something dumber such as a battlecry that did damage to your face because its vague and thus you end up lethal damaging yourself by mistake? I mean if its safeguarded to only allow repeating a battlecry that is not gonna harm your hero or minions or your hand or deck, but can only result in negative effects for your opponent… how is that a card that sucks? What am I missing?
I “love” when druids get owlonius from Marin then swipe face for 28…
Highroll, and they don’t have other spells around. You highroll yourself (everyone highrolls (it’s just easier to be annoyed if the opponent does it)).
I’m really just not a fan of Marin the Scammer.
His entire card identity is pray for a game warping high roll.
And he gives 1-4 chances at it.
And if you have a lot of mana room (easy for druids and warriors), it might not be a terrible idea to even Zola or Projectionist a copy of it.
The card is just very good as a signature of the expansion; it was like Reno but that one was even worse; the Devs do that a lot.
By the time Marin quest rolled around to be playable, I’m already 75% through the reward track and don’t even need to do the quest. So you really don’t even need to do it at all.
thats the crown only the rest depends on your deck
All of them are high roll cards.
Wand? What cards are free?
Crown? What random legends?
Goblet? Did you draw something good? (Like crown?)
Statue? What legends did you get?
Its crazy to me how much stronger he is as a neutral legendary when Heistbaron Togwaggle, a class legendary, required 2 cards for 7 mana and only gave one of the treasures
well it was released on the same expansion with a card to add several copies of towaggle to your deck
Marin isn’t supposed to be balanced individually against other neutral cards. It’s some kind of signature of the expansion; it’s OP on purpose; they want you to play it a lot.
It’s like Yogg; or Reno; they are not released balanced against other neutral cards and the Devs are very intelligent enough to know that’s exactly what they’re doing.
Eh, we have had plenty of signature neutral legendaries that aren’t overpowered, and aren’t just random dice roll game blowouts.
Marin is kind of a terribly designed card that reminds me too much of original Yogg. You have no idea what he is going to do, but it can definitely flip the game entirely on pure random chance.
He’s a badly designed card for a competitive game. Some RNG is fine and expected. The variance on Marin is absurd.
And this weekly quest to force his use is extra obnoxious given that outside druid, many games are over before you even could play him, even if you did draw him. And you have to use 15 treasures?
Who OKed this?
That’s not what I said. Titans also had various terrible cards that were expensive to buy but it had also a Yogg.
They create on purpose certain OP “symbol of the expac” cards with Badlands’ Reno the most obvious.