March of the Lich King's launch day prologue bug

Hello team!

I was quite disappointed on the launch day of the March of the Lich King. The prologue was heavily bugged for me… The bosses were swapped, for non of them did Arthas said the correct monologue before the quests…

The map wasn’t good as well. I started the campaign on the second place instead of the first. The boss was Mal’ganis, but before playing Arthas started to talk about the “dispatch of Mal’ganis”… To make it clear:

1st quest: Second place on the map, Mal’ganis, but second monologue to Uther.
2nd quest: Third place on the map, Uther, but third monologue to Silvanas.
3rd quest: Fourth place on the map, Silvanas, but fourth monologue to Illidan.
4th quest: First place on the map, Illidan but first monologue to Mal’ganis.

To make it worse, when I defeated Illiadan, the game crashed…

I was quite confused and disappointed… :frowning:
I can send you a screenshot, if needed.

Yours sincerely,

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this happened to me too, although it did not crash at the end.

Also cannot open any class packs, oh well.

edited to clarify only class packs affected for me

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Sorry for the problems. I haven’t tried opening the packs yet.

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I have had the same issue, also lost a pack when I first tried to open it (had 3 packs, then when I got back on only had 2),


Before posting a bug report, check the known issues post.