Mallenroh cheats on Jaina

Well, it finally happened. I built a deck that wasn’t mage, and I even dusted cards to do it.
I’m sure I played this badly.
I haven’t looked at a Hunter deck since before Wild was a thing.

You’re still my best girl, Jaina:)


I think it’s a good move, friend. Expand your enjoyment if you’re able and I think you’ll be a lot happier as a result.


Secret Game Achievement unlocked: Jaina’s Revenge.


God, Jaina is scary when mad. I still remember the raid where you have to fight her in Wow.

But honestly? The silvermoon farstrider cards should be the dual class card for Hunter/mage.

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Arthas began questioning if he and Jaina were actually ready to be together, before finally deciding they weren’t and abruptly ended their relationship. Although hurt by the decision, Jaina understood where Arthas was coming from and the two remained friends.

But YOU! Of all people…

Stay tuned for more HS drama on BNetflix.
Free 3minths sub when you use code MallBetrayJaina.


I know:) I feel like a heel, lol.
Still; a better telenovela then Telemundo has:)


Congrats bro!!

Now it’s gonna be easier and easier to try new classes once you broke the ice :smiley:


When rogue is bad sometimes i have to play other classes i used to play mage mostly but i have expanded my horizens over the years trust me its the best move because losing when your faveroute class is doing abit bad it really is a frustating experience for anyone i feel.

The game becomes so much more fun when u play alot of classes and honestly if you can get to diamond 5 Mallenroh i think your competent to play more then 1 deck and different styles dont undersell yourself :slight_smile:


That’s a good thing. Your entire playstyle will improve now that you play a second class. Just one class limits the strategy and also imagination.


Wait, what? Weren’t you a ‘My dear Medivh! — My beloved Khadgar!’ type? Not even a Dawngrasp, at the very least? How ‘politically incorrect’ of you!

Still waiting for you to play with Nemsy. :stuck_out_tongue:

PS ‘You are not prepared!’

PPS How’s it going with the ban, by the way?

Not, it was Arfus that called to him. He couldn’t resist it, and to that end, he even did the most stupid thing imaginable in that situaton — follow some sketchy demon to the middle of nowhere just because he said so, totally disregarding any common sense and the advice of all his remaining allies.

Does friendship also entail Pyroblasts in the face (see the new tutorial, for example)? :grinning:

Besides, Arthas’s undead socks must have smelled like rotting corpses (perhaps literally so) by then. Would anyone really wish to be friends with him — apart from Arfus, of course?



She gets all mad and runs away to her dead daddy. Naturally, like any father would do, he gives her his ship and allows her to go on and be a part of the worst expansion in WoW history (scratch that. second worst. WoD exists. my bad.).


Wait, what? That was ‘sad’, not ‘mad’, wasn’t it? The mad part was after Theramore, when she Arthased Dalaran a bit, not unlike Stratholme.

Wait a minute… I’m not a WoW player, but still a bit interested in the lore. The part with the daddy and the ship was in BfA, and worst expansion ever is supposed to be Shadowlands, or am I missing something?

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From a story perspective, SL is the absolute worst. It’s a grindy fest expansion, too, but you’re right. BfA is probably third worst. SL second. WoD is still the worst, tho.

I suggest watching the trailer for WoD. You’ll get pumped and amazed. Nothing but amazing things are going to happen upon release… Oh? The game has been gutted and they completely abandoned an entire zone AND there’s a content drought for OVER A YEAR… in an MMO game… Also, back to the story, the main dude, Grommash, the guy who slams a giant axe into the skull of Manneroth in the trailer, leader of all the “Warlords”, hardly shows up through out the whole thing.

I’m sure I could go on, but I’ve hit on the main points. I bet you could do a search and find other things I didn’t mention. I do agree, tho, SL was horrible. It honestly took any faith I had in WoW and Blizz away after the ending of it all. I stopped playing it after the first raid because it was obviously a huge grind fest, but I paid attention to the story. The way they essentially DESTROYED and took credit for years of story including the events in WCIII with a simple, lazy “It was me the whole time!” snore fest of a big boss, just took away some of the spirit I have for the world created years before SL.


sorry that you didn’t like bfa or sl. they were my brainchildren. i can’t prove it and don’t work for blizzard though and never told anyone at blizzard about my daydreams about the expansions but i had them.



I won’t blame you

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I’m happy for you! Playing one class exclusively is a recipe for frustration in this game. I don’t enjoy all classes equally but sometimes there is a deck for a class I rarely play that peaks my interest and I play it.


Grats, and he aint a troll. To borrow a phrase from Obi Wan and repurpose it to be relevant:

“Only a Troll deals in absolutes”.

I dont deal in absolutes, but again to borrow another phrase from the same guy:

“Who’s the more Trollish? The troll or the troll who follows them?”

Jokes aside, grats and good for you Mall!

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I just wish you’d done it before, cuz I had 2 great decks to recommend for your playstyle

But doesn’t matter, new decks will come

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Looking like druid got a bunch of spell damage support. Might be a good alternate class for a mage player.

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Yeah and looks like it supports both tempo and combo playstyles

Although, combo is probably the way to go