Making a Deck, but don't actualy buy packs

Alright, so i’ve seen alot of good decks being made and you can literally win with these decks.

My Issue is, i don’t buy card packs, and I can’t even get a single Win in Ranked.

My question is… is there a Basic, Standard Deck, that doesn’t require you to buy 100’s of packs, so you can win.

I’ve been on a losing streak for 6 days, because all i have are Basic Cards for Each Hero you play as. I just don’t know what to do… i’m not rich, wealthy, or even working to be able to afford card packs…

Should i just give up on Ranked? The only reason i try ranked is to get the card back… But if i can’t win… what’s the point in playing and stressing out over it.

Mech’s are usually low budget hard hitters. Hunter mech or Pally mech is your best bet.


IF you copy that string it should create a deck for you on your collection screen.

You should be able to win a bit with this deck and if you have played for any length of time you should have some of these cards.

Also, you should be earning some gold that you can buy packs with from completing quests?

Maybe there is a class yo never want to play like priest andyou can de all those cards to make better ones?

Well i’m a Mage Main… i know that sounds silly.

My problem is, whether i put Taunt or other cards from the Neutral area into my deck, within a round or 2 they’re all dead…

And i’m not trolling anyone, but i don’t have any friends irl to play this with, I don’t have extra income to buy packs, from all the expansions.

I’ve read a few good Mage Decks, but you need alot of money to get all the cards required.

I just wish Blizzard would let people who “only have Basic or Standard cards” have a fair chance at Ranked.

I know that sounds Odd, or wrong, but everyone i plays has either bought, or unlocked card packs from all the expansions…

I haven’t, i play with the Basics… and i just dunno how that is a fair match. I’m just not having a good time playing this game… i tried contacted blizzard techs, and game developers about this, but none will get back to me…

So basically i play with the standard, basic cards given to me… so i really am not sure what to do… I just wish people who are down on their luck, or struggling had a fair shot at ranked game play.

I don’t wanna be Number 1, all i want is the month’s card back… I think they’re cool and interesting… But as i stated if i keep losing… i’ll never get it…

And the reason i struggle is cuz everyone pays to play… when i asked the Developers about this, and how it’s “fair in their eyes” They won’t get back to me…

Games in my opinion are suppose to be fun, If you need money to play this game… IMO there’s something wrong with that.

Not everyone is well off, or has money or a job, some people struggle day to day, and they want to unwind and have fun in a game… but if the game is Solely meant for pay to play… it’s not gonna help them become a better player, cuz for 1. They can’t purchase all the new DLC or the new packs to even be a good match for someone.

So i dunno… i just wish people knew what i was going through, and not many do…

are you doing your quests to get teh goldz?

how long have you teh playd?

I do but i usually lose, even when i do those…

Got no friends to play with.

I’ve been playing on and off since 2015

okay, great! how much gold do you have?

Also, just play battleground and make meme builds for the lulz.

i only play hearthstone for ranked and tavern brawls

But the past 6 days all i’ve done is Lose, 1 match after another.

It’s really depressing me out…

I mean i don’t ask for much… i just want my card back, and the tavern brawl pack.

I play with basic cards… but nobody gets it, and everyone just Trolls me, and destroys me…

And even though games are suppose to be fun, this game really makes me sad and upset irl.

All i truly want is my card back, and honest, sincere people to play with. But because i ask for these things… people get upset, troll me, and well yea… i don’t have a good community of players to play this with.

I don’t use Discord, so i can’t just Hop on there and make friends… So i dunno i just feel left out… Everyone has their 5 wins, card back, and tavern brawl pack but me…

Now i know that sounds silly, or ridcululous, but if you came to my house, and i logged in, you would see i wasn’t lying… So i dunno what i’m gonna do…

Keep losing, and hope i get lucky, or Just not get the card back for the month…

Like i said games are suppose to be fun, “not bring you down, and make you feel bad about yourself”

So i’m not really sure what i’m gonna do, I can’t contact blizzard, they won’t reply or even try to talk.

Last time i attempted to talk to a blizzard game developer about the struggles i have in this game. It took them months to get back to me… And all i asked was…

Why do you put Basic Card players, up against Players who buy 100’s of packs…

I understand it’s pay to play, I get that i really do… But if you can’t afford that luxury…

How is any Basic Card Set fair against a paid one… and the answer is it’s not…

So you follow why i struggle so much… I’m not here to troll, lie, steal accounts…

I just wanna know why they won’t make the game fair for people who don’t have all the trinkets, and good legendaries for the Hero they are playing as.

Ya follow?

When i started gaming as a kid, I believed in “fair game play” Games that were actually good, fun, and entertaining.

Ever since Pay to Play hit the scene of the gaming platform, so many people are trolled, harassed, or destroyed in game mode, because there are decks, you can buy that can destroy the basic card deck… that’s why i say “troll” because those kids or adults, or whoever they are, when they have that upper hand… it really makes the game unfair…

I hope you understand… I just wish people weren’t so Greedy, or Desperate for winning 24/7

And i’m not asking for free wins, i’m not… i’m asking for Fair Gameplay… i don’t think it’ll happen though…

I don’t spend money either. I am 100% f2P.

I get it. I just win a lot of game because I have used teh goldz for teh packs of teh cards to g3t the guds. teh goldz iz teh freez and I pla dem for to win.

gud luck on teh gamez

I might just take a break from it… I’ve done it the past… but thanks for replying and helping out atleast…

Games that involve money and PVP aren’t exactly my kind of go to… But like i said… i figured i’d try my luck , and get some cool card packs for winning

But yea if all i do is lose… and keep losing, Then i’m just gonna take a break…

I got more important things to worry about i guess…

Anyways Take it easy also man

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I get you, it feels pretty bad when you are missing cards from across all the sets and can’t really look to craft cards since you only have 1000 dust or so.

The main thing is, getting some wins with what you have, limited expansion cards, etc, not feel completely hopeless. Do know however, that you are guaranteed to have all commons by pack 30 of a set, and all rares by around pack 65.

In Apr, I made a couple of decks: decks more budget than budget, for 5 classes.
The aim was the decks to have:

  • 2 copies of most commons,
  • 1 copy of rare except 2 copies for key rares,
  • 0 epics and legendaries.
    New Player Beginner decks to help bridge the gap (Part 1)
    Mage was a tricky one to get going, but there is a budget build there, however, Kael’thas and Dragoncaster got nerfed to 7 mana so the deck might not work as well.

There is also this deck here, a super secret Mage:

I created a spreadsheet for those that have a limited collection to refer to: What cards are good? - Spreadsheet updated!

This can help determine the cards you open, where they stand in growing your collection and decks. Some cards might be only good for specific deck archetypes.

Since the new expansion is nearly upon us, at this point I’d advise to not craft anything that isn’t in Staple tier already.


Spell druid is cheap, only legendary is ysera unleashed and she isn’t required for the deck to be functional.

I might hold off on crafting stuff considering this expansion might add a better budget deck.

Go to the new players forums where people look for friends to make the quests

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I too play f2p. It is kinda sad how it feels this game kinda gradually makes it worse for them. Sure there migth be some cheap decks which gives wins but not everyone wants to play murloc paladins.

Original wallet warrior was considered to be expensive but today decks considered normal can require massive number of dust.

I think I only bought packs once when I first started, like 5 packs for some discount. It’s not worth it, you’d have to buy about 400 packs to get all the cards.

Just play for free, it takes a few weeks earning gold from quests to build up cards for a decent deck. Look for cheap tempo decks on Google and go from there. Also check for ways to earn gold as there are a bunch of things you can do as a new player that get you gold.

Best to focus on one or two classes. After a while you won’t need to buy packs. I get enough gold between expansions to get the cards I want.

Oh and do the tavern brawl 3x each time it resets, there’s a free pack each time, and often it doesnt use your cards, or it’s gimicky enough that you can win with random basic cards.

If your collection is not that great you could always start a new account to get the freebies and the free meta deck.

If you don’t want to do that I suggest making a minion/zoo deck for the class you want to play. Basically a deck full of good high value minions so that you can spam the board all the time, make good trades and send the rest face. The winrate might not be that outstanding but it should net you enough wins for your card back.

Also currently the quests are super easy. You don’t need to win games to get the quest golds, but instead only have to play cards or play the game out with a particular class. That way you can easily accumulate gold and slowly build up your collection.

If you are absolutely out of luck in ranked/casual play brawls (when the brawl gives you a ready decks) and arena where the size of your collection plays no role.

As a f2p player I can say that the start is rough, but it’s very possible to build up a decent collection, stay competitive and even reach legend.

In game mode, there is a hunter deck (hard mode) that manages defeat at least shaman and paladin.

The competitive strategy for F2P players is to amass gold for one, two, or three expansions to be a top competitor in one expansion. Unless extremely lucky with card packs earned through special events and end of season rewards, F2P players use aggro or midrange decks, which tend to be cheaper. Murloc is a common tribe used. Hunter, Paladin, and Warlock are common classes used.

You are correct to be concerned about Scholomance, because the assumedly favored decks will have powerful minions that are difficult to remove. Minions that will only work in a well crafted deck. An expensive deck. The normal F2P decks will struggle. All aggro, tempo, midrange, and cheap combo decks will struggle, so it not just a F2P challenge with Scholomance.

I do not know what to tell you other than to maintain a long term plan for success. Maybe this will be the expansion when F2P or low budget players will need to focus on saving gold for two or three expansions. I foresee the third expansion being much more difficult to succeed in, generally, but maybe you will survive if your plan includes building a strong Priest or Paladin collection.

Good luck.

If you want to have fun and win as a new player, you need to hit the Solo Adventures. Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror both get you free card packs for getting to a certain boss in each chapter. First chapter of each is a freebie, and you can buy additional chapters with enough gold which also give you card packs. Galakrond’s Awakening gets you some free cards for playing through the free chapter. All three of those adventures do not require a good card collection. You either make a deck as you go or you’re given decks in Galakrond’s Awakening.

Just do your quests in tavern brawl and for the card back just make an aggro deck even with bad cards, demon hunter should be the best way to do that since it has many strong basic cards and can be decent even without the epics or legendaries.
Just search for aggro lists if you don’t like demon hunter and replace some of the cards you are missing with cards of similar cost even if worse.