Make Flakmage 5 health deal 3 damage

Wild Secret mage is dead thanks to Team5’ s nerfs. It now loses to Shadow priest, almost any rogue, every shaman, most Warriors, and Pallys too.
It would be far more competitive if Flak mage dealt appropriate damage to today’s cards and had the health to survive for more than one turn.

I thought you quit a couple weeks ago

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mallenroh doesnt know the meaning of quit

Apparently no one here knows how to speak on topic.

I don’t understand making a post requesting like this, do you think a HS dev will see it and be like “oh this is a great idea for the next patch”

Wouldn’t it be better to talk about the progress that could be made, style card that could be made or seeable buff’s that could be made?

for example Kabal Lackey is effectively a 2 mana 2/1 cause playing him with out his effect is foolish he should be Buffed to a 2 mana 3/2 next one is 0 or make his effect persist through turns so there is more combo ability w/ secret support cards
maybe request like make arcane flakmage be a 1/4 or 1/5 so his stat line as an effect minion so he “survives a turn” and you can receive his payoff.

The problem with secret mage for whatever reason(lack of interaction on opponents turn) in HS is it’s only game a 3 mana counter a creature is considered too powerful so everyone has complained to the point that things got change
In YuGiOh you set a trap and 1 for 1 depending on the trap a resource like a few life points(usually unimport when it stops you from losing the game) is paid and in MTG counter ANYTHING is 3 mana and a creature specific is 2 plus you can choose when to use not just the next spell so “playing around it” is way more difficult

That sounds interesting. In HS the problem is that cards have bypassed flak mage’s health and aoe power.
Add to that the nerf to Lackey, and what you have is a deck unable to deal with boards until turn 4 or later.
That isn’t nearly good enough when shaman and other decks can buff beyond your ability to clear.

I am all for nerfing the zero mana totemic spells to +1 instead of +2, the cards basically read all minions when played because just like no duplicate effects its just easy to do when the game has 400 class + 1500 neutral cards and you can run two of anything in a 30 card deck

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I am not much of a card designer, and so Idk what the best method would be.
What I do know is that mage has no viable decks left.
Secret Mage could be viable with the least amount of effort.
It really just needs to be able to clear early boards again.

these cards were printed when totems were bad so they needed to be pushed to do anything, I’m all for even shaman not losing a card but as it stands any other tribe/class wouldn’t have this, example:
0 mana give all beast +2 attacks
0 mana give all Dragons +2 health
3 mana give all minions +1/1 and all murlocs an extra +1/1
lethality comes at a cost, if it doesn’t and burst is free aggro is to good.
why should shaman/totems get these board breaking effects for an aggro deck just because 7 years ago “no good totems == broken totem support cards”

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