The last week my hearthstone would close when changing tabs, but it was playable. Now, when I launch HS, instead of the main menu popping up, all I see on my screen is a square that changes colour. I already reinstalled the game and checked for corrupt files, but it didn’t help. Anyone know how to fix this or has a similar issue?
Yup, same issue, reported a bug to - twice - in the last week, no response. Apparently they did an update this morning, but the issue persists for me.
Same problem on mac m1 Sonoma
I have the very same problem on my Mac. Changed tabs, my game froze and closed, having the same issue since then, whenever I open up my game, a colour changing square appears. I don’t want to wait months until they fix the problem.
any update? I’m still getting this issue.
Me too, I see where they’ve done a number of releases since this issue first started, but none of the updates have fixed the issue for me.
Still have the issue, 2 months later, no fix, no response ever from support.
Saw same issue here. Exit fullscreen mode solve my problem, it just cannot play on full-screen mode.
Same issue here. Clean install does not help.
i have the problem now, did any one find out how to fix it ?