Mage runs which card?

In the no minion mage deck, do you want Elemental Inspiration or Yogg in the Box?

None of those, lol

You want the faster, tempo/burn version

Yogg in the box kills you more often than not



I just spent 400 dust on x1 copy of Elemental Inspiration and 1,600 dust on that Giant 10 mana spell to recast everything :rofl:.

Every time I try and play this game at the dead of night I make bad decisions. I’ll make these cards work somehow, I guess.

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Before you craft anything, go to hsguru website, click = menu, click Meta, click the archetype you want to build, click Card Stats, set Min Mull Count and Min Draw Count to 25, optionally specify what rank group you’ll be playing at, and sort by drawn and mulligan winrate.

This basically ranks cards according to how well they perform. Use a bit of discretion and you can make a decklist with no duds


Oh and also this

Sample size Approx. Standard Error
25 ±10.00%
50 ±7.07%
100 ±5.00%
200 ±3.54%
400 ±2.50%
800 ±1.77%
1600 ±1.25%
3200 ±0.88%

So if you’re looking at an entry for a card with +2% winrate, but it’s only got 25 games recorded, you can be confident that it’s somewhere between -8% and +12%. Which isn’t usually a very useful confidence rating.

So maybe not 25 for the minimum, you do you. I like to see even small sample sizes but the smaller they are the less conclusive

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The 10 cost spell works ok in Reno Mage (esp. if you get a chance to copy it with Volume Up), but Reno Mage generally sucks no matter how you build it.

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Thank you for your help. You prob don’t get told that enough, but that advice is really good.

Now for the 2nd part of my message. I won’t be listening to it lol.
I think your information would help me if I was super competitive. Like there has been times I was trying to truly know what my best cards could be to open with in a match. And now I know where I can go to get those.

As for Mage, /shrugs. I noticed I had a pile of scraps that could whip up some form of no minion Mage. Crafted some rares just to have x2 of. Then I later crafted the other 2 cards mentioned above ^.

Just playing with the deck it’s clear why Altair’s list capped at 5 mana cards lol. I know enough that the core “good cards” will carry the deck enough for the “mediocre cards” to do some work here and there…

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It ain’t my list, lol, I also just copy/pasted it

But yeah, it’s the best performing list. You can swap out 2 cards from it without changing the winrate (infinitize and 1xmolten), but you shouldn’t change anything else - the synergies between cards are important.

And those synergies you don’t see from mulligan data, btw.

I wanted this deck to be good but I also couldn’t make it workm

It really does sadly. It’s a hilarious card when it high rolls though. When I tried using it, I just held as a last resort for when I was likely to lose anyways.

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Ive been doing alright with Reno Mage; the deck got me from Silver to Platinum today. It’s an almost guaranteed loss vs Reno Brann Warrior and some Pally/Warlock aggro decks if you get a poor mulligan, but it can pack a wallop against other Reno decks when you Malecgos + Sunset, then GPO the next turn to recast all you face damage spells (I’ve been doing this vs. Reno Shaman quite effectively; against Reno Priest you rely on discovering/rewinding multiple Flamestrikes to clear their Elise 25/25 spam, and one may Reverb their Aman’thul (but not necessarily their 3rd or 4th copy if that bastard, as happens in most Reno Priest games).

Reno Mage

Class: Mage

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

1x (1) Arcane Artificer

1x (1) Discovery of Magic

1x (1) Flame Geyser

1x (1) Jaina’s Gift

1x (2) Cosmic Keyboard

1x (2) Cryopreservation

1x (2) Heat Wave

1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude

1x (2) Kobold Miner

1x (2) Primordial Glyph

1x (2) Rewind

1x (2) Void Scripture

1x (3) Darkmoon Magician

1x (3) Fiddlefire Imp

1x (3) Molten Rune

1x (3) Reverberations

1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager

1x (3) Rustrot Viper

1x (7) Prison of Yogg-Saron

1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed

1x (4) Reliquary Researcher

1x (4) Volume Up

1x (5) Burrow Buster

1x (5) Sleet Skater

1x (5) Star Power

1x (6) Blastmage Miner

1x (6) Blizzard

1x (6) Puzzlemaster Khadgar

1x (7) Flamestrike

1x (8) Kalecgos

1x (9) Reno, Lone Ranger

1x (9) Sunset Volley

1x (10) The Galactic Projection Orb


I basically use my early spells for clear/control (if you can, get Fireball or Frostbolt from Jaina’s Gift and use them for clear). One attempts to continue clearing/stalling the enemy board until you have at least:

(1) Flame Geyser
(3) Molten Rune, Forged
(4) Fireball
(9) Sunset Volley

…all loaded into GPO and a clear enemy board to go full face. If one is really lucky (happens quite often), Sunset Volley will also summon the 10-cost 6/7 Mech which summons another 6/7 Mech to attack face.

Might be possible to swap Khadgar for Sif, with the intended Combo being Malecgos surviving the turn you put him down, then next turn Sif + GPO. Ive also thought about dropping Fiddlefire Imp for Buy One, Get One Freeze in order to double Malecgos for the Sif + GPO combo version. So plenty of room for experimentation.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, for the purposes of readying spells for GPO, it does not matter that they were discounted when you cast them. A 0-cost Malecgos + Sunset Volley will still recast in GPO as a 9-cost (and so-forth for any other discounted spell one might cast e.g. from Infinitize or Primordial Glyph). Discovering and casting a 5 or 6-cost Elemental Insipration, for example, will still slot (and RNG-roll) for the 7-cost slot with Flamestrike when you cast GPO. I omitted Yogg as it often does more harm than good.