Mage isn't treated differently.. Right

I doubt this is the case: they sometimes do it, but they wouldn’t do so for a bundle (let alone two of them).

Also, skins available outside of purchase normally feature descriptions such as “Obtainable through a special event” or something along those lines.

I know but since i saw nothing in the shop and i didnt remember ever seeing the bundle it had me curious.

I think I found the deck you’re talking about and see why I don’t remember it.

I wasn’t really playing when Wailing Caverns came out. If that Control Priest list was actually great at the time, then I regret not playing it when it was good.

I still would like to see the return of a general Control archetype in Alterac. Combos have had more than enough fun this year.

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It’s not against CoC and shouldn’t be being flagged. The truth is (and I say this with an affinity for Mall), this (or something like this) has been posted ad nauseam. People are tired of reading it.


Well that’s clearly what they’re going for when you look at the card design. Let’s hope it’s playable but not OP. I agree though the worst outcome would be if control sucks again.

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Redargless of that its a plain abuse of the flag system .
Dont like him just ignore him, i do that to plenty of people in this forums without going on a flag spree.

They need to make it possible to ignore others even with hidden profile, thats the main reason i have mine open dont like me or what im saying just block me.


I agree and noticed that the other day: you cannot mute nor ignore users with hidden profiles (like me). And I additionally agree with you entirely that no one should be flagging this or any other topic that doesn’t break CoC. All I wanted to explain was the reason this is being flagged and not to justify it. Sorry.

Good. Mages don’t deserve wins, especially Quest or Wild Mozaki

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Upvote for plain honesty,no hidden agenda straight to the point.

Because at this point it’s either trolling or spam.

Several times a week it is the same baseless allegations and conspiracy nonsense spiced with malignant QQ about irrational slights.


Let’s just skip the next few weeks, and just pretend we all repeated the last 8 and had all the same arguments and walked In a couple circles in a recap to sum up the time.

Everyone agrees, only their fun matters. My opponent’s fun doesn’t matter. In a two player game where only I experience emotions, only [whatever class/archetype I the poster am currently playing] matters. Everyone else should be nerfed except the decks we are currently playing

Quest mage is bad and should die in a fire and get deleted asap and also never have existed but undo all the nerfs to it despite the hated solitaire playstyle since x person has cards for it that made mage viable or something.

Ping mage and a secret mage revival after being dead for a few months is a compromise some players would be happy with. Ping mage is mallenrohs favorite mage deck and nobody has beef with it. I also own a modresh (without wildfire) and a expired secret mage with a dead raza priest, and I would be alright with this transaction of viable ping or secret mage revivals as a win win mutually beneficial compromise.

Also anyone who gets mage thread fatigue is probably evil and eats baby mage children and disowns their kid for reading harry potter or something.

Quest mage bad, otks from hand not loved, games where 2-4+ minion spells 2 mana deal 3 damage to a minion become hand bricks in 20% of matchups that play 0 minions feels bad.

Also while we’ve gotten a break from warlock and mage it’s a chain gang so any mage nerf brings back qlock and any need to #1 just makes #2 and #3 the new #1 and #2. So it’s a choice of all pirate warrior, handlock, aggro druid, and face hunter.

Pick your poison of infinite fatigue damage, infinite untradable mana cheated or duped unremovable 1-3 mana double greyboughs + composting arbor up, infinite pirates and smite, or your opponent ignoring every action on board to hit face and using your own minions and rhino to get turn 5 lethal despite all healing and taunt and healing efforts.

I’m being serious here, we need to pick a deck to cycle over after warlock/warrior and the idea of a face hunter or aggro taunt druid or more 10k dust pally playing 4 mana 11/12 parrots or 5 mana +8 healing 8/8 divine shield taunt librams followed by 2 mana 5/3 lifesteal librams is going to be a legit choice over what kind of deck we get to face.

But alterac comes actually tommarow hopefully, no more 3 months to miniset drought.

It’s an opinion, which btw? was just restored by staff moderation.
Go baselessly report someone else.

My opponents fun definitely matters.
Where I have a problem is when players justify Mage nerfs and cite popularity, but Pirate Warrior makes up a third of the diamond meta and we hear crickets from the mage complainers.

They only ignore it because it’s weak. Should it become a winning deck, the hate train will start rolling.

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Where I have a problem is when players justify Mage nerfs and cite popularity, but Pirate Warrior makes up a third of the diamond meta and we hear crickets from the mage complainers.

What? There are several threads daily asking for Warrior nerfs. I myself have asked for it in this very thread. There’s also one not insignificant difference between the two. Warrior has only been overplayed since the miniset, whereas we’ve had near constant Magestone since rotation. People could be forgiven for being thankful for the shakeup. However, most people don’t feel like that, and even if we did, we are capable of being objective enough of looking at the situation and going, ‘nah, this is too much Warrior bro’.

And even if people did have an irrational bias against Mage, can you blame them with the DAILY at this point Mage pity parties on here? Also, and this is nothing personal against you, but people are getting personally attacked for saying negative things about Mage, and there is this false narrative going around that the devs have outed themselves as hating Priest and Mage, which I myself debunked. There is no logical reason for hating the most popular class in your own game.


Me too.

Certain people only see what they want to see and it’s just not worth it to try and look for logic where there isn’t any.

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I don’t know you to be much of a Mage hater.
The people I was referring to know who they are.

Certain people abuse the reporting system, but tell me more about how evil Mage players are.

I doubt it. This isn’t the first time you claim to be arguing against or calling out people who know who they are, but you fail to identify them, and those people don’t appear themselves.

One would think if there were really that many mage haters and/or individuals who hate mage that much, at least one of them would have become somewhat (in)famous around the forums that people didn’t have to wonder who it is.

As I asked in another thread: who is your counterpart for another class, or minion classes in general? Who’s the Mallenroh for paladins or hunters or warriors or ??? I honestly love to know, no joke. I’d love to learn more about someone who could start threads that hit 3 digit post counts without talking about mage.


Just to play Devil’s Advocate; you COULD make the argument that the most popular class in the game is going to be targeted with nerfs on a more consistent basis, because if it gets notably strong there’s a good chance that it will completely take over the ladder and warp the meta around it.

Like of like what Mage did at the start of Barrens. And then through Barrens until the mini set. And then again with Quest Mage. And what it still does somehow even though Quest Mage got nerfed into the dirt.


Mage from 2019 until now.

Mage used to be a spell class with minions for support.

Shaman used to be a minion class with spells for support.

Nowadays mage is a spell class with spells that support spells that support RNG.

i agree with all you said. The class bleed has become so lunatic that there may as well be no classes.
And mage went pure spell I guess because they have tried everything else and it was all nerfed.