But tell me again how it has a viable deck for those who want to climb?
The good news is that we’re receiving a patch today which will buff mage and others.
I won’t play it. They have taken mage right back to being a joke deck.
I saw the otk deck that Funki was running.
Too slow. Way too slow, and hopelessly draw dependent.
I have never been a otk player.
I like having a play every turn.
The idea of stalling until I can dump my hand on your head bores me.
Mech mage with a decent sample size and win rate. I’m not saying it’s great. I’m saying it exists. Not that it’ll make you happy, of course.
Thanks Ginger:)
It’s better than what most of the streamers are running, I imagine, but you’re right, of course.
The mech deck is a minion deck, that to my mind, belongs in pally, shaman, or druid, far more than it does mage.
I can’t find a viable deck.
Whenever I find one on a HS site, it fails.
Been trying the Hero Power Druid, I suck at it.
Pure Pally has been falling flat on its face and Outcast DH is hit or miss.
Haven’t even considered mage.
I wouldn’t bother. Mage is so weak right now.
Maybe after the revisions it might be playable, if you like that style of deck.
My problem is that I only really play two styles of deck.
Burn and Tempo.
When I became mage only, the class had both of those.
Now they have neither, largely because Team 5 has printed too many classes, and is hard pressed to have any diversity in playstyles at all anymore.
Whatever, i never liked mage as a class. They’ve always had some disgustingly broken garbage to play with over the years that I will never feel sympathy for it having a bad rotation/expansion.
I’m not really bothered by it.
Like I said elsewhere:
It was mage’s turn to get dumped on.
You doubt that?
I haven’t played Standard in well over a year.
Team 5 no longer has the design space to give each class a viable deck.
If they keep going, pretty soon multiple classes will be unplayable every expansion.
You’re thinking about paladins. Overall, Mage is the class with the least amount of time with a tier 1 deck over the last years.
They are rarely strong, let alone broken.
I have never understood what it is about Jaina being strong that offends so many players.
It makes me wonder if they would feel that way were Khadgar the face of mage.
Slightly off topic but I think this person mained mage so not entirely lol. What ever happened to Wardrum?
He is on Discord, but I think He got tired of Forums.
The lack of moderation, etc.
Are you sure it is today? lol not seen ANYTHING about it happening today.
Basically cosmic keyboard is a very meta defining card and building stuff around it is what makes you climb with mage.
But in general newer decks sucks.
People are better finding ways to play cosmic keyboard in older decks.
I suggest secret mage.
It’s a token deck to my mind. (cosmic keyboard)
Not very mage like imo.
Summoned minions have always been a pet peeve for me as they are unable to be interacted with until after they are already in play.
You are correct that paladins have been top tier and are worth complaining about, i need to give context:
I have been away from the game for years. I quit when witchwood was about to come out. Before that time Mages were on my list as a class that felt like a blizzard favorite and was allowed to have cards above the power level of its time. Balance back then wasnt too bad, and my gripes with the class werent so big that I ever needed to voice my issues.
That being said, mage has been top tier enough times