Mage Armour deck haha

Just hit gold, I couldn’t resist and i’m seeing T1 decks, I assume they are T1. But for the opponent, it realy is a waste of time staying in the match. They had over 50 armour. Any more of this and i’m out unfortunately. It’s just netdeck vs netdeck for the bots and the rest of us tee hee

deep joy!

It doesn’t match by rank; it matches by MMR(a hidden/secret rank); that means if the Legend 1 players start playing today they will match with obscenely high MMR players at rank chicken 10.

Basically you are matched with people similar to your skill now no matter what; e.g. what players you had at your best rank last month; it’s the same people now again.

The only exception is if you goof around with bad plays or bad decks; your internal rank(MMR) will drop; or if the meta changed too much and your deck is bad.