Mage and warlock ruined the expansion

I’ve been playing this game almost each day since witchwood and i’ve played a lot of wild. And i can tell that i had more fun playing against secret mage and big priest than seeing a warlock or a mage killing me in round 6 by drawing their entire deck, one of them suiciding me by fatigue and another stacking infinite damage. Even handbuff paladin that s one of the most strong decks can t kill them. I ll stop playing this game like many other people until you do something that will fix the game. I wish u all good luck, i do not find at least a bit of pleasure in this game.


Mage and warlock has nothing to do with ruining game, it is team 5 and especially iksar who is incompetent and ruining the game.


Maybe if we nerf mage a little more it gets better right?



Yep. Its not playerbase problem they are playing broken decks. Its the problem of utterly incompetent dev team to print cards that allow that broken crap to exist.


The new Warlock quest also invalidated allllll the previous legendaries I enjoyed using.

Neeru, Tickatus, Alex, KelThuzad, Kanrethad, etc etc etc. I even got a GOLDEN ANETHERON i waws hoping to add to Neeru self-mill but he’s just LOL worthy. The entire archetype is now a joke.

Winning by turn 6 without any need for interaction just invalidates the entire card collection by power creep. This is like 4-5 expansions ahead of where it should have been. Atrocious


Haha now thats funny coming from someone who uses a priest portrait as priest have always had broken cards and require 0 brains to play so dont throw rocks in a glass house

Funny from someone with king krush portrait, me face, me ignore everything, me braindead, me face…


Someone’s portrait has nothing to do with the game mate wtf.


Mine does. . Twenty char


If they can’t constructively prove their claim, they will try to find any ‘‘argument’’ they can lean on.


Mine does, too. 20 chars.

At least someone who hits face, no matter how small in this meta still interacts with moving a mouse over a face icon, pathetic as this meta is.

I don’t blame players for playing the decks that win, but the fact that quests weren’t even given a keyword search or seemingly playtested at all with obviously overtuned cards with kindergarten synergy is… I am glad they tried it, but… This… Is like the most linear meta ever, play a quest or 39 flavors of aggro.

With the lowest interaction possible, hell… Decks are deliberately trying to rush to play and remove their own minions to win… Standard or wild Questlock doesn’t even have to hover over or interact with the opponents face or board ever to win…

You could probably literally tape a piece of paper for wild warlock that literally covered the opponent’s half of the screen blocking all interactions and face and just play apothecary solitare and still have a positive win rate and otk without ever needing to see or even ever interact with your opponents side of the board or even move mouse over a face or trade. Absolutely ridiculous.

Even kindergarten games like connect four and tic tac toe had more counterplay even if you could solve them.

The fact that this is apparently a intended meta and the ‘big nerf’ patch was just making 2 mana 2/3s into even harder to remove on curve but same card 3/4s just… Boggles my mind more… I mean even 4/3s could have been more indirect nerfs for synergy cards or 2/4s, now they just… Play the exact same card as a 3 drop… That’s the current idea? Didn’t darkglare already start as a 3 mana 3/4, is the next nerf just going to turn it into a 2 mana 2/3 again??? While ignoring twiddling their thumbs on wild questlock and going " we nerfed these broken interactions by changing a 3 drop into a on curve 2 drop and back" What??? I don’t… Even know… What they’re doing…

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Biggest nerf to warlock atm would be to allow warlock to be damaged by fatigue despite them using the quest legendary. The deck would still be insanely strong but if you can counter the early game then you have at least a chance to win. Sadly the hearthstone devs dont actually playtest “their” game.


How come whenever a warlock card is broken, they just leave it the same or give it another on curve statline. Whenever a card can heal or recover in control, they turn it into a hero power. Is a 1 mana heal 3 really broken in a meta of 1 mana deal 10 dmg gain 5 armor 1/3s and 2 mana 9 damage fireballs? Damage outpaces healing and you can’t even heal above the rate damage is dished out in game anymore while it also clears board, aoes are useless since clear is too slow to survive. so what IS supposed to work??

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At least you could counter decks like secret mage hand buff pala or big priest in wild but these 2 decks don t have any counter

Umm, robe of protection isn’t a counter to mage?

What wild mage deck are you referring to - Firewalker/Luna APM Mage? Isn’t this basically the same deck from Barrens? If you want to out-smorc at the warlocks level and are not runing the mirror, why wouldn’t you run quest odd hunter/quest pirate warrior?

what claim ? it was just another "i hate team 5 " bait people been using since the game was released

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They hate team 5, yet they keep playing or at least show up on the forums.

But then some of them would then call the rest of us who still enjoy the game addicted or something.

edit: and somehow my Bolner OTK deck beat another quest lock today. Yes, the OTK with y’shaaraj. Am I just that lucky?

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Mine reflects the struggle of mage players. :joy:

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