Mage = 4 full boards of water ele for 4 turns?

I’d love to know this answer as any class honestly.

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there is no logical answer any normal person could give you. the devs have lost all touch to reality. at least all the dog doodoo players can win for the first time in their lives


Brawl 4 times in a row

Boom its beat

You can even force the brawl so you win it

I play Egg Hunter so I mulligan hard for buffs and eggs.

My strategy is a wide board with +3 HP minions, saving Mukla/Plush/Hounds to push for lethal while I use leftover mana to hero power to chip away their health.

First thing I noticed is they do not play any kind of taunts. So you can go straight face with any minions that aren’t frozen.

Always A Bigger Jormungr gives my minion a buff to attack and leftover damage is done to the opponent’s face.

So, if King Mukla is buffed to 13 damage and hits a 3 cost minion, the rest is done to the face.

I drop another Mukla, and that is another 10-13 damage. Hounds if I need to heal.

IF the game goes on longer than that, I keep King Plush in hand to clear the board and push for lethal.

If they somehow to manage that, they are either in fatigue (Mukla’s bananas causes card burn if you time it right) or I drop Stranglethorn Heart (resurrect all beasts this game that cost more than 5)

They do not keep their buffs but I have at least one 6/6 with charge (King Plush) and without an incredible board clear, they are most definitely facing lethal next turn.

However, I lose a lot to DKs because of all their handbuffing and heals. It’s insane the things they can discover and tools they have - that is where I struggle.

Honestly, most BSM mages I face only live long enough to do one wave. It would be a huge help if you would post your decklist.

This is the correct general strategy for most decks.

Go wide with medium to large targets. It severely limits how much damage they can push face, and they end up forced to use their big spells on staying alive rather than trying to kill you.

Minions with either 4+ HP or 6+ attack make tsunami very sad.

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