Game is not about skill, as much as playing what is dictated and working the system to your advantage. Which could be argued as a skill but I am not smart so it is what it is and I call it like it is.
I used my same home brew all spells deck I made legend with last month to get me into diamond. Had to switch to a no skill BSM with some tweaks to the most popular deck to rank 1. Would slide all the way back to rank 5 and roller coaster back up and down which got annoying but everyone had adjusted to bring mage down.
The ro sham bo meta is very clear and evident. Always is so time saving should be your main focus. Which is why I stick to my current concede rule set (you can look up my thread from last month if you care to see those) I actually went ore aggressive to instantly concede against certain classes like Warrior and DK which beat my version of BSM pretty much every time if I didn’t high roll. That saved lots of time wasted being bored while losing. Once someone started roping i instantly concede even if i am winning and could end the game in 2 or 3 turns. That just shows how sad a human they are to do that their win doesn’t matter in how I game this system.
I digress though, so I leveled off the BSM Deck stuck in rank 2. Switched to pirate DH since BSM would get matched against nothing but warrior and DK. Proceeded to rattle of 7 straight wins to enter Legend at 6202 beating a Warrior which was nice since I had to concede instantly so much against them with Mage.
While playing Mage winrate was 55% would have been much lower had I kept banging my head on attempting to use the deck to breach the top.
DH was 81% since everyone was trying to keep Mage down I guess. 100% win rate with coin.
No claims of authority here. Just my playbook for it this month. You can split legend hairs all you want, no one cares. 30000 or 1 you are still legend.
If you say that a distance is short, then that’s different from saying that the distance is zero. If there is any choice at all then the skill is nonzero. Low skill? Maybe; that’s relative; what’s obvious to you might not be so obvious to someone else. No skill? That’s just a lie.
This is the second time you come high and mighty to proclaim you have a profound knowledge we should learn because you just did Legend. This is textbook authority fallacy in an indirect way.
And you still say a wrong thing; no the game is not that random; going to Legend didn’t prove it (again).
The difference between the bottom of Legend and Rank 1 is like the size of the Solar System to an Atom it’s not even comparable since MMR is logarithmic.
imho theres truth to both sides of this argument. top of the top takes some skill, but probably not anywhere near to what it once took. likewise, dumpster legend is like worse than D5 sometimes, so theres that.
It doesn’t match by d5 or dumpster legend, but by MMR, so even platinum can easily be better than both; it’s not that uncommon; some people lose massively inside diamond or legend (sometimes on purpose or almost on purpose).
I think I’ve seen a platinum that was playing with diamonds. It can happen if they play very few games in combination with being good and losing very little.
Besides: at the very first game of the month a chicken 10 rank can play with anything (maybe not with Legend according to devs spilling some beans).