Madame Lazul Bug


Yesterday, trying my Talanji Priest deck against a Warlock, i played Madame Lazul and she shown me only one card on the discover screen, while the oponent had 3 cards in hand. I know normally this only happen when the oponent has the same card in hand, but he didn’t make any discover effect during the game. And i repeat, he had 3 cards in hand!!!, when normally you can only have 2 of the same copy.

I have the video on my youtube channel:

Thanks for your attention.

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Madame Lazul got many sangria and went to siesta

If it was Sangria i think she wouldn’t show any card… I think it was Cruzcampo XD

From what I can scrape together, I think this is an is an issue with the undocumented change to Invoke card generation yesterday. Originally Invoke cards wouldn’t appear from random generation effects (like Discover). You could only obtain more copies from in-game sources, like uncollectible cards. It was supposed to be changed so that they could appear, but only if you have a copy of Galakrond somewhere to Invoke.

I think what’s going on here is that your opponent is holding two Invoke cards, but Lazul is refusing to show them because you don’t have a Galakrond. She shouldn’t do this, since her Discover is copying instead of generating. But there have been other issues with this feature as well. Supposedly it’s being reverted for now (or has been already).

Collected sources, including this report: