Luzul bundle issue

Bought the Lazul Portrait years ago when is was sold by itself on the store, it did NOT come with the cardback for Lazul. Now, Lazul is back on the store, but this time with the cardback included.
Since I bought Lazul’s portait solo, the store considers it already bought so I can NOT acquire Lazul’s cardback. Either give those who already own the portrait the missing cardback, sell it separately, or make it purchasable with gold.


I am also facing the same issue.

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I’ve wanted that card back since they sold Lazul’s portrait standalone. That was BEFORE they let us buy old cardbacks with gold. Infact, every other (at the time) pre-order cardback could be bought with gold but Lazul’s. Hasn’t made sense since, even less now.
Especially since when they came out with Diao Chan Valeera’s cardback, those who already had the portrait got the cardback free.

Same issue here, i think we got « owned » by this :wink: