Loving The Content etc

And it’s not p2w… I’m a new player, just hit gold rank and yeh, can’t be arsed. I can only imagine games lasting for 20/30 minutes or more in the future, not for me.

I’ve read the forum and tbh it’s saved me some life-time. It seems you have to win within turn 6 or so and if you can’t, the netdecks gonna get ya. I started to see more and more of that as I got to silver 4 or 3 and I thought, why am I seeing decks like this now? I’ve barely dusted anything or crafted anything. It’s a generous game all in all but that’s it for me.

Card games can be fun, but there’s a point where it’s okay, i’m not ‘pissing with the big boys’ nor do I want to. All the best!

Start a card game
Go into competitive ladder
Don’t wanna face competitive decks
Gets no first hand experience, go with whatever anyone says on the forums

Say what?

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Literally me.
I just want to win endlessly.

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