Love co-op Tavern Brawl!

Maybe they need to make it more obvious that we are playing together.

My Druid ‘ally’ proceeded to use all the healing on himself even when I was at 1 Health.
Further, he thought it was useful to Neutralize not the Party Crashers but my actual minions for some reason.

Wish me luck in my future tries, because that, wasn’t it.


This has been a thing since the multi player brawls were introduced. I posted this elsewhere, but it bears repeating:


I don’t like the co-op brawl for exactly that reason. You get people that either don’t understand that it’s a co-op or they are purposely sabotaging the game because they are jerks. Or you get people that must be toddlers or mentally disabled that have a very basic understanding that it’s a co-op but make questionable and bonehead plays. Then you go through so many games until you pair with someone that know what they are doing only to get screwed by the RNG and have to start the process all over again until you can get your free pack and be done for the week.


It always takes me 3-4 attempts with this brawl to win because my first few matches will be the other player killing me.

First match I healed myself and them. Then they healed themselves twice and corrupt damage hit me directly for 4 and killed me.

The team really does suck at making it obvious what you’re supposed to do in any brawl. The communication and the description of the brawl is so basic that you often need to play a brawl first before you actually get to play the brawl for real. Like how they have you build a deck for a brawl you know nothing about makes zero sense. Happens all the time.


I was pretty lucky this time where in 3 of my games, all 3 of my partner knew what they were doing.

It feels good when both players know what they’re doing and pull off nice synergies. One of the few times emoting well played to each other isn’t BM lolololol

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Thankfully after my already expressed failure I got lucky enough to cooperate with a player that was smart enough to know what to do, we were pressing emotes all the time and it was very fun especially in comparison to the first try.

It was fun ‘talking’ to each other by hovering certain minions to imply a wanting trade, or hovering the HP to signify we should get the pinata out.

My biggest tip for this Tavern Brawl is:
Get Keymaster Alabaster on board (especially if you are Rogue) that’s what won me the game, got 1-cost ‘Heal 8’, ‘Gain 8 Armor, summon an 8-cost’ and more and that won us the game.