Lost star bonus

I used to get the rank of Legends sometimes and received bonus 10 stars every seasons. So I always try hard to climb to get at least rank diamond 5, in order to keep this bonus. Last season I got at least rank diamond 5, too. But this season I’m only received 9 stars bonus! What’s the hell? Why? Let’s give me an answer??
I’m very angry because all my shop in game have been still closed after patch 25.2. Now I get this problem! I’ve been really disappointed with the game lately!

The star bonus is a minimum based on where you finish, but can be higher if your MMR over your ranked play put you at a higher expected finish than your actual rank. I didn’t hardly play standard at all last month due to the craptastic meta, finished at silver 5, but had eight star bonus this month.

When you hit a ranked floor, you get at least X stars. Diamond five is 9 stars minimum, legend is 10 stars minimum. You got exactly what you earned with your ranked performance.

I got rank of Legends the first time on May, in 2020. Since then until now, no matter if I got rank of Legends or Diamond 5 to 1, I’m always received bonus 10 stars every season. I never finish at rank Diamond 6 or below and get bonus 9 stars or low. That’s always 10 stars. So this make me very suprised and need to ask a question. Specially I’m getting the shop closed error after patch 25.2.

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You didn’t win enough to keep your stars is all.

It happens. Get back to legend and you will get 10 next month for sure.

Get top 1k or so and you will get eleven.

Your winrate that season must have been low enough to give you the minimum of 9 stars for diamond 5 instead of a higher star bonus, or people relative to you in your rank bracket had higher winrates last season.


Ok. If you true, I’ll try to get rank of Legends as soon as possible, and let’s see the result.
I just think this relate to the error after patch 25.2 launched on mid Jan. I finished at least Diamond 5 to Legends rank for about 3 years. And nothing out of the ordinary happened.
I’m really upset for this because it wastes my effort!

Isn’t 9 stars the diamond-5 bonus? Win rate has nothing to do with the next month’s star bonus


Your rank guarantees your minimum star bonus, but you can have more stars if you won significantly more than expected.

Someone who was top 1k legend and sits out a month, meaning they finished at bronze 10 or even silver 5 because they played like one or two games, would most likely retain 11 stars if they won the matches they played.

You actually have that backwards.

Your MMR actually provides the floor, so that if you don’t rank up at all during a month, you still get a star bonus based on your MMR.

If you hit a rank floor that offers a higher star bonus than your MMR would, then you receive that bonus instead.

No, I do not. You are 100% wrong.

Your rank is the floor.

It’s literally published as such.

If you get to diamond 10, you can’t have less than 8 star bonus ever. Rank is the floor.