LOL Broke the game by infinitely looping in Tavern Brawl

They didn’t think this Tavern Brawl through AT ALL.

I just did this combo in TB that makes you go infinite on your turn as in the animations literally never end and the game disconnects (End Turn button won’t click)

I can’t post the way to do it here as that’s a bannable offense, but I’m sure everyone will figure it out shortly if they haven’t already.

I’m going to guess that in the next 1-2 days a certain card gets banned. They didn’t even bother to test this.


Is a certain card of a dude that rhymes with Melon involved?

Because if you add in a lifedrinker it’s an infinite damage combo!

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Yes, but you don’t need Lifedrinker. You’ll just have infinite armor and the turn never ends. Both players have to close the client or wait until the client crashes. The animation loop literally never ends. Just waiting for him to be banned at this point.

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I got that part.

You’re focused on the hilarity of infinity and I just wanted to win the game.

It has to be hotfixed in the morning, lol.


Oh yes, for sure. It’s just a dumb combo anyway and dumb cards exist like Hungry Crab so the entire brawl is a mess.

Everyone’s trying to go aggro but that doesn’t really work either lol

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I mean, that’s what I did.

It’s pirate paladin, actually, but everythings a mech and a pirate… and a dranei… so it’s four turns and have a good day.

I used this for an easy win.

Brawl Deck

Class: Paladin

Format: Wild


2x (1) Glow-Tron

2x (1) Hungry Crab

1x (1) Patches the Pirate

2x (1) Toxfin

2x (2) Dragon Breeder

2x (2) Galvanizer

2x (2) Golakka Crawler

2x (2) Lushwater Scout

2x (2) Parachute Brigand

2x (2) Radar Detector

2x (2) Security Automaton

2x (2) Ship’s Cannon

2x (3) Southsea Captain

2x (3) Stonehearth Vindicator

1x (4) Bubblebot

2x (4) Mechwarper


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong I’m sure aggro works against most decks. I mean aggro isn’t working against this infinite thing.

aggro for 1 and done is definitely the way

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Are you getting it down on turn five or sooner?

Turn 7/8 but getting to that turn is extremely easy. Stupidly easy. You can clear the board and gain armor faster than aggro can burn you and just rez rez rez rez infinitely.

If we go by how long it took them, to fix the game-breaking Titans freezing bug,

it will be hotfixed by the end of 2025.

You broke the game by a combo? I can break by playing anything, game crashes many times, app not answering, putting me on the desktop.


Still waiting here for 15 minutes while my opponent has 600 armor. Why is that ok :face_vomiting:

Huh, the game still crashes from infinite loops? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I thought there’d be a fail-safe mechanism for them at this point, like a hard limit of iterations…

I remember playing ‘Get down!’ with Carefree Cookie versus a Bayfin Bodubuilder — or the other way around, don’t remember which was played first, but it was quite a showdown with hilarious animations. It ended with some Wild ('twas in a tavern brawl) 10-cost minion on my side, though. I thought it’d be some kind of standard behaviour (Mercs had some fail-safe caps, too), but apparently not.

Praise the competent and hard-working developers.

most things are set with a hard 31 activation limit, though sometimes things slip through the cracks like our dear prophet.

In addition, Tavern Brawl rules are basically never accounted for, meaning more things slip through

As soon as i saw what the brawl was this week and decided to avoid it altogether xD

I usually do it for the pack but it wasnt worth seeing all the shenanigans i thought would be there lol

I won pretty quickly with an aggro warrior deck with only standard cards, just popped in cheap discount/handbuff with the cheaper parts of the warrior draenei package and won on turn 4

woulda been even better with patches/other wild cards i don’t bother to craft

Velen is now banned.

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lol I knew it. There was no way it could go on any longer. Smeet and I said this last night, no way it goes another day without being banned.

Now that he’s banned, for those who didn’t know, if you played a copy minion like the rush murloc and another battlecry minion that kills a murloc, you could infinitely loop.

Velen dies
Summons copy
Eats copy

Goes on forever.

I was using resummon minions like Psychopomp to summon another minion and give it reborn. So the chances I would loop were increased a ton.

Eventually you just eat the entire board until nothing is left but your Velen eating itself over and over and summoning more copies.

You would instantly know if you looped forever because the End Turn button would not click and no one would die.


Add a Mill Minion like Selfish Shellfish and you Kill the opponent bei ifinity milling him.


Yeah. But I was being a bit more sneaky and mean because I was testing the loops so I didn’t want to end the game so I could test.

So I was playing Bad Luck Albatross to counter the draw. Which is equally annoying.

Also, I was running Fizzle so the draw decks didn’t hurt me at all. Fizzle was a nice little addition.