Lifesaving Aura not giving all 3 sunscreens

It will give the first 2 then the 3rd will just not appear when the Aura ends. I checked my tracker and it confirmed that yes the 3rd sunscreen never appeared. This has happened multiple times to me so it’s obviously a bug.


i have never had this issue

Weird, it’s happened to me when I play Mage Tourist at least a few times. You can see I play Lifesaving Aura on Turn 1 and never receive the 3rd sunscreen. Just add h to the start of this link.




i have no idea whats going on

thats a real bug


Yep, hopefully they fix it soon. Makes it very annoying because that +1/+2 buff can be the difference from an early game minion snowballing to a win or it getting removed and losing.

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that happened to me too i think. can confirm

happened with me too, maybe it has something to do with touring?

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it finally happened to me

can confirm from personal experience

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