Libram Paladin: Great design

…if it wasn’t in Hearthstone 2020.

Climbing ladder with Libram Paladin almost feels like I’m playing a different game to everyone else. While I’m reducing the cost of cards and playing straight predictable yet somewhat powerful cards with little to no RnG, my opponent is out there rolling the dice- randomly generating infinite lackey’s, infinite secrets, random class cards, cards from other classes, random discovers, random spells etc.

Libram Pally has to be one of the best designed builds that came at the wrong time in the game.

It’s certainly fun though.


Pure paladin is where the game should be. Its fair and balanced. But fair and balanced doesnt cut it in mana cheat rng smorc mode.


Yup. And it’s not just libram paladin. I tried some murloc paladin. It felt like I was still playing vanilla Hearthstone.

It is fun indeed. Game should be about around 15 cards some combo/synergy and other 15 what you feel fitting to get through meta.

Game gets boring if decks are made for you before (too linear design) or during (overflowing card generating) game.

Hm even Libram Pally can create like 20+ cards that didn’t start in the deck…

::puts on nitpicking hat::

Technically, pure libram also has a bit of RNG with the 5 cards lightforged crusader gives you.

Even if you don’t go pure, if you use Liadrin, there is slight RNG in what spells you get back if you’ve casted more spells than your hand could hold them.

The rod weapon also gives random murlocs.

That level of RNG is closer to how much RNG there is in old HS, and I do agree the old level of randomness it’s much more reasonable.

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There is a very high possibility that the follow expansions will add to it, becoming a Paladin strength.

Much like other classes designs, they fluctuate between bad to great in different phases.

Take that damn hat off because I specifically said libram Pally and never said it has no RnG.

But yes, it has a very appropriate level of RnG. Liadrin is very limited RnG and usually your opponent knows what you got from her if they’re paying attention. Then there’s the Murloc weapon and the dragon discover.

Like you say, this is where RnG should be. Nobody said RnG should be scrapped entirely.

Technically you don’t need to play Pure cards in Libram Paladin. Non-Pure control builds are possible, although at the cost of good midgame tempo plays.

Yah but its fair because they are not discounted and you had to pay a price with a neutral deck. Its not like it draws 7 cards that cost 0 or casts 10 random spells. Its fair card generation.

It’s fair because it generates Paladin cards, and those SUCK. Half the time it’s useless secrets and terrible minions. Most of the time the actual impact is a single useful generated card to go with your War Golem.

t1 coin into a 3/6 taunt is a lot of instawins im sure

Uh, no? That card is mega-garbage compared to most of the other sidequests. Coining it out turn 1 against Demonhunter, Hunter, Mage, and Rogue is a dead play. It’s also dead against everyone who plays a one-drop. Like Warrior, Rogue, Priest, every aggro deck, Paladin…

It’s 2 mana for an excruciatingly slow and unreliable 3/6. At least dormant minions are reliable extra stats for their speed (and all but the Paladin one do something when they pop out or at least have taunt).

Or were you joking?


Without spellbreaker it could be potencially abusive in the future.

What, Librams? You might as well complain about the Priest quest. It’s about as much work as powering up Librams, and similarly just gets you some extra minion power each turn except unlike Paladin it doesn’t get ultra-wrecked by silence/hex/sap.

How can you get fun out of losing all the time? Didn’t work for me.

Fair decks just don’t win. It’s as simple as that.

It doesn’t lose all the time. All you need is the patience to fully understand the deck and around 200 IQ. Then you’ll reach 51% win rate.

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