Level 37 card packs missing

I just reached level 37. The reward is a Scholomance Academy Card Pack but I coudn’t get it after I got the green tick. I just bought the c’thun package for 20 packs without any legendary!! please give me back the pack so I hope to get one legendary from opening Scholomance packs

the reward tracker is changed so you get gold instead of older packs at higher levels, the community complained that they didnt want older packs

Thanks for your reply. I google related information and read through the post in the official website (https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/news/23585675) , yet I can’t find anything related to the change in level 37. They just said the gold rewarded will be more and XP needed will be lowered through out the entire track. Today I reached level 40 and the Darkmmon Faire card pack is missing too.

This is the announcement Rewards Track Client Patch (Nov 20)