Lets make a Goldbeard deck

This is my rough draft for a combo deck. I still am unsure if it should be a control/otk deck or if i should make it a toy boat tempo deck. Or some other variation to pull this off.

The idea is to make 1 big juicy amalgam while drawing out your deck and then using goldbeard to combo while tutoring or drawing out the copies it makes to keep playing it.

I probably wont have time to test this until later tonight but i would love to see some ideas to make Goldbeard work. As a sidenote, another fun combo i pulled off was getting banana split off eudora in a tempo pirate deck and playing it on Goldbeard for a 32 damage combo on an empty board. Would love to see any ways you guys have made good use of Goldbeard too

Note that this is an untested first draft of the deck i am trying to make so it is very likely it is bad and unrefined as of yet.

wierd beard

Class: Rogue

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

1x (0) Backstab

2x (0) Preparation

2x (0) Shadowstep

1x (1) Adaptive Amalgam

2x (1) Dig for Treasure

2x (1) Stick Up

2x (1) Tar Slick

2x (2) Fan of Knives

2x (2) From the Scrapheap

2x (2) Pit Stop

2x (2) Quick Pick

2x (3) Raiding Party

2x (3) SP-3Y3-D3R

2x (3) Swarthy Swordshiner

2x (4) Dubious Purchase

1x (5) Sandbox Scoundrel

1x (5) Shoplifter Goldbeard


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Rarran posted a video of a amalgam/Goldbeard deck over this last weekend, looks similar to yours. Key difference is it ran the forge rogue mech so you can duplicate your amalgams and the location, its interaction with the 1/1 magnetics into 5/5 is nice.

His deck is more of an amalgams time to shine then Goldbeard but it has good plays with Goldbeard too

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Ill have to check it out
Thanks! I thought the forge mech was a bit pricey and would mess with the combo angle

It is probably better to have actual tempo plays though im sure lol

Do yourself a favor and don’t try

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The gigantify minion is good to cause it summons a ton of goldbeards.

Edit its a tirn eight or seven if the mini pirate has been shadostepped thing.

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That’s a cleverly put together deck tbh. I don’t really think this’d work but the list sure is pretty. I’d try this myself with some changes.

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There are several decks with goldbeared recorded at hsguru. All of them are very low ranks, and all of them sub-50% winrate apart from these 2: AAECAaIHBPafBK+nBrKnBpHmBg33nwTZ0AW/9wXm+gWh/AX7/AW5/gXungbZogatpwbAqAa2tQaW0wYAAA== , AAECAaIHBu7DBa3pBciUBsekBq+nBvTJBgz2nwT3nwTawwXfwwW/9wWangbungatpwagswaQtAa2tQbvyQYAAQP2swbHpAb3swbHpAbu3gbHpAYAAA==

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Changes seem appropriate. This is a rough draft for sure. Let me know what works for you!