Legend with Control Warrior

Gg though, control warrior struggles keeping a good winrate in the meta.

It helped that the Ramp Druids I faced were as intellectually challenged as Orion assumes us smorcers all are.

Pretty surprizing to have close to 50% against ramp druid indeed.
Were you playing the OTK list or the dragon one ?

Dragons, I tend to always go with the vs lists. The Charge list is much more appealing though. Its just too inconsistent, you have to cut too much removal to fit the combo pieces in.

Iā€™ve played a lot the charge list because of a good match up against aggro druid and warlock. But my ladder became 50 shades of kazakusan so I dropped it.

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Yeah hopefully they print more some decent draw for Warrior. Skipper and Battle rage in the core set oughtta do it.

Will see, the rotation will slow the meta a lot, soooo will see :man_shrugging:

Hilarious that you failed to read what i posted ,and i dismissed nothing.
You proved my point this whole climb was just an ego trip because you cant take the fact that Aggro has that standing.

Again you can find the lowest skill cap Control deck in the world and it doesnt change that fact that it will always be childs play compared to something like Pirate Warrior.

But by all means press on i know how important this crussade is for you.

I donā€™t think itā€™s too much asking for a bit of respect. Call me naive.

Itā€™s a bit rich calling it a crusade when every other post of yours is complaining about how weak Mage is. And if itā€™s not that then itā€™s complaining about aggro.

Yes Control Warrior is easy. Some control decks are easy. That much should be obvious. What should also be obvious is that some aggro decks have a higher skill cap than the average deck, but they get dismissed out of hand. VS made this point about Shadow Priest in UiS but it got dismissed out of hand because of the style of deck. Which is really neckbeardy if you think about it.

Iā€™ve also reached high legend in wild with Quest Mage and Darkglare Warlock, decks renowned for their skill cap, so can you blame if Iā€™m confused as to why this attitude persists?

You ask for respect but give none in return and i didnt insult you in any way or form.
I only called out a topic disguised as a climb to push an agenda.

Again go back and read what i posted i never put your skill in doubt only your intent with this whole charade.

I had an absurd winrate playing Garotte Rogue from D5 to Legend pre nerf. Its definitely possible. In your 30 game sample Iā€™d say it was like 23 wins 7 losses for example

The algorithm is not some win stealing boogeyman. If you keep making excuses for losing you will never get better. You have to objectively look at what you did wrong to grow. Even in wins, people make mistakes all the time.


People who say this are clearly biased and Salty because aggro killed them before their deck did the cool thing.

Aggro is just as valid as any other strategy. Any deck in any archetype could be considered brain dead. That does not mean every deck in that archetype is. Aggro decks can be played poorly and they can be played well. Just because the curve is lower, doesnā€™t mean there arenā€™t decision points. You canā€™t just vomit your hand and expect to have an optimal win %. You have to not overextend, make awkward board states and even occasionally trade sometimes.

I would argue that aggro vs aggro matchups are more skill intensive than a control vs control one. You have to determine who is the aggressor, control the board and find a way to kill your opponent. Control vs control is more about hand management and deciding if you need to kill the other guy or if you win in fatigue.

I donā€™t play aggro very often, but I do respect it as a valid strategy for those who prefer it. I reccomend that anyone who thinks aggro is ā€œbrain deadā€ to play some games on aggro so they can have a more balanced perspective.


just one more braindead thing.

i dont agree! a strategy can be braindead.
and to flood the opponent b4 they can do anything is a strategy
and its not that hard.

flood the opponent b4 they do anything because their strategy is so greedy and one dimensional that they didnā€™t force me to make any decisions.


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I have a dream.
That someday, people in these forums will realise that the difficulty of a deck is not tied to its speed.

I have a dream.
That someday, people here will realise that there can indeed exist braindead aggro decks. But there can also exist braindead control decks.

I have a dream.
That someday, people here will realise that a specific control deck can be hard to pilot. But so can a specific aggro deck.


You canā€™t expect people to have a balanced perspective if they donā€™t ever play aggro. Theyā€™re above all that nonsense you see. Itā€™s just pathetic elitism and no facts or attempt to reason make a difference. Theyā€™re as bad as the ā€˜game is riggedā€™ crew. In fact, in a lot of cases theyā€™re the same people.

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Control Warrior is legit.

I only have a 60% winrate compared to some of the posters here, but that got me to 3XX legend.

44% of my matchup is against druid, of which 50% is food (beast druid) and 50% is ramp druid.

For ramp druid, as long as they donā€™t get Guff before Kazakusan, they are actually manageable. The treasures are of limited power with only 10 mana, but they become far more powerful when combined. Solar eclipse + ember of ragnaros is just too stupid.


30 games is not really a big sample sizeā€¦

Deeply skeptical of that claim. I donā€™t think itā€™d be possible to win 90% of your games playing against the innkeeper if the deck matchups werenā€™t in your favor.