Legend with Control Warrior

That is a bug problem with quest rogue, I lose interest in the deck sooooo quickly even if it’s a solid deck that you can climb with.

And I agree, I like the warrior decks that are more tempo based but not as linear as pirate warrior.

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It’s not about fun. It’s about sending a message.


I can respect that attitude xD

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Why evidence for a legend climb ?

It’s not something that’s hard to believe, any decent/good player that’s willing to put in a little bit of effort will get there without much trouble.

Op is lying, you cannot get over 55% winrate past diamond rank because of the algorithm, thats how blizzard have designed the game its been confirmed by blizzard in this post

quote from blizzard poster: A: Since each player starts at the bottom of the ladder at start, we want fair matches for everyone (aka. win-rate close to 50%). At that time, your progression on ladder is protected by your star bonus, thus your net expected gain will be positive through the ladder. Once other players run out of star bonuses, matching by rank will allow for good players, or players who want to push themselves a bit, to be able to progress to a higher rank.

I wouldnt have asked from any other member , but make no mistake this Legend climb is way more than it seems.

I dont doubt his skill only his intent.

Either way, whenever I’m seeing a Legend thread, all I see is that OP won 15 more games than he’s lost from D5.

It’ll take far more than that to be relevant in my eyes.

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Wait, now I know how Pro players and every skilled player for a fact gets over 60% winrate in 30 games; they cheat by colluding with Blizz!!!

post sponsered by Russia Today


Read the post by blizzard i just linked, you’re calling the blue poster dumb?, i literally quoted the text

I have over a 55% win rate from D5 on. Stop trolling.

you don’t understand how matchmaking works


I literally quoted a blizzard post for you that says its designed so people cant get much over 50%ish winrate at high ranks, obviously 55%ish is possible because of peoples mistakes, anyone claiming over 60% is simply lying and played less than 20 games or very low ranked

How do you explain this, then ?


Explain to me how i got 20 wins in a row on a Legend climb with that system in place???

Im sorry to tell you its not Blizzard holding you back you realy do suck.


Ok then. I am at 64%. My screenshot is evidence. Now what? I’m a liar too? Everyone else who ever gets legend with more than 55% win rate is a liar? Everyone’s in on it, right?

You’re trolling and you know it. Just admit it and move on.

You can stop lying, the system will never let you win 20 games in row

Not true, as proven in this ss!

So you can at least win 22 in a row in the system.


Yeah at low rank, iv had 70 and 80% winrates at low rank, we are not talking about low bronze rank games here.

So, why is low ranked different ?

And what rank is considered high to you ?