Legend Drop not working. Tyrande Task not resolving

I got a legendary skin for Sylvanas when I don’t own all the legendary mercenaries. I’m missing both the new legendary mercs as well as the original.

Tyrande task 15 completion bugged my campfire. I have 2 open slots but only 1 can be occupied. when I visit the MS with 1 open campfire I get consolation coins instead of a task. I also cannot get task 16 when I have her in my party. The game thinks she is still in the campfire when she’s not.

EDIT: Played a game of constructed and it looks like it resolved the Tyrande issue. Legendary Skin still a problem unless that’s how it’s suppose to work??


Can you give us some more context? How did you get Sylvanas skin and which skins are you missing?

Happy Gaming

I crafted sylvan like a week ago. I got the golden sylvan portrait after the new patch opening packs but I don’t have legendaries like Alex, Rag, Jarax, Edwin, etc.

Doesn’t the system check to see if you don’t have a legendary and pulls from the pool you don’t have before giving out portraits? That is how it seem to work with rare and epic mercs. I only started to get portraits after I had all the merc of that rarity.

Personally I was really excited to see the yellow border on the card then really confused when it gave me a portrait over a legendary merc I didn’t have.